Sporting News ranks SEC coaches

When you look at the past 10 years, he's headed in the right direction. I hate cliches (until I can use them to my advantage anyway :p) but they were 7 points shy of finishing 9-4 or 8-5 last year. No doubt they can give anybody fits and even knock off a big boy here or there. I HOPE they don't turn the corner, but this is Spurrier we're talking about.
When you look at the past 10 years, he's headed in the right direction. I hate cliches (until I can use them to my advantage anyway :p) but they were 7 points shy of finishing 9-4 or 8-5 last year. No doubt they can give anybody fits and even knock off a big boy here or there. I HOPE they don't turn the corner, but this is Spurrier we're talking about.
this is where i was last year reagarding SC. but they've been this type of team for two years now. on the cusp, but not turning the corner.

right now, they don't have the offense capable enough of winning the East, and they too are having terrible off field issues.

as good as spurrier is, he has yet to have the type of talent on the field he had when he was winning in this league. like everyone else, until he does, they won't be a real consistent factor in this league.
this is where i was last year reagarding SC. but they've been this type of team for two years now. on the cusp, but not turning the corner.

right now, they don't have the offense capable enough of winning the East, and they too are having terrible off field issues.

as good as spurrier is, he has yet to have the type of talent on the field he had when he was winning in this league. like everyone else, until he does, they won't be a real consistent factor in this league.

No doubt, recruiting at FL and recruiting at SC are 2 completely different animals. But I'm sure he knew that going in. He definitely needs to get the off-the-field issues resolved but don't we all.
You could not be more wrong. As much as I dislike him I have to say that he has not forgotten a damn thing! He may not have the horses but his mind is still sharp, very sharp. SOS problem is the same it has always been. He is not a recruiter and hates it.

That is the truth.
You could not be more wrong. As much as I dislike him I have to say that he has not forgotten a damn thing! He may not have the horses but his mind is still sharp, very sharp. SOS problem is the same it has always been. He is not a recruiter and hates it.

I agree 100%. I know a lot of people don't like him but the dude can coach!
I disagree. We will see they have a lot of talent to make him look good. Richt gets more from what he has, Meyer is just flashy

Wow, that's the exact opposite of what I think. Meyer has had ridiculous recruiting classes and he has a ring to back it up (that Tebow and Harvin helped a lot with). Richt has had good recruiting classes that have underachieved the past couple of years.
Wow, that's the exact opposite of what I think. Meyer has had ridiculous recruiting classes and he has a ring to back it up (that Tebow and Harvin helped a lot with). Richt has had good recruiting classes that have underachieved the past couple of years.

Georgia's recruiting classes over the past 6 years do not in anyway compare to UFs' UF and LSU are the most talented teams in the SEC. Georgia is making a push based on the performance of its team/ Georgia most certainly did not underachieve last year or any year I remember. And I hate UGA fans but they played very well. What they do this year is a real test they have more talent then I remember them ever having. Meyer lost four games last year with a team more talented without debate then all teams but 3-5. And he only lost to one of those teams. If he loses more than one game this year his team has underachieved again.
If you're not intimating that he's better, then you shouldn't use some selective statistic to compare him to Neyland or Bryant. I know you meant fewer games. I am almost certain he did it in fewer seasons; he was coaching 12-13 games a season to Neyland's 10.

Frankly, putting Steve Spurrier in the same sentence with two of the greatest coaches who ever lived, regardless of the context, is silly. Spurrier had a great run of about five years, then was pretty good for a few more, and hasn't done squat since.

Oh goodness. Look: Spurrier got to 100 wins more quickly than 2 of the greatest ever. Ergo, it would be pretty dumb to call him an average coach.
You could not be more wrong. As much as I dislike him I have to say that he has not forgotten a damn thing! He may not have the horses but his mind is still sharp, very sharp. SOS problem is the same it has always been. He is not a recruiter and hates it.

I don't see another current SEC coach that I would expect to do any better with the Gamecocks. Maybe Saban. Tubberville might do alright, but not better than Steve.
for what its worth I'm being serious, haha.. with the talent (or lack thereof) he def. gets the most out of his players and does so with a recruiting standard that makes the other SEC schools look downright awful. He is a dang good coach.
for what its worth I'm being serious, haha.. with the talent (or lack thereof) he def. gets the most out of his players and does so with a recruiting standard that makes the other SEC schools look downright awful. He is a dang good coach.

Then why isn't his record any better than previous Vandy coaches?
IMO Johnson is better then previous Vandy coaches. He did beat Tennessee and Georgia. Just not a lot better.
The numbers just don't bear that out. He's winning at about a .280 clip. About the same as Widenhofer, a little better than Watson Brown, but well below what Gerry Dinardo was able to do.
Another thing about Spurrier: the first thing he did in Columbia was kick off about six of the team's best players.
The numbers just don't bear that out. He's winning at about a .280 clip. About the same as Widenhofer, a little better than Watson Brown, but well below what Gerry Dinardo was able to do.

did any of them play michigan as a non-conference game? Did the SEC have 5 coaches that had won NC's when they coaches? Don't base it on winning percentage. That overlooks all empirical evidence that suggests otherwise...Plus, lets look at some of the games he lost... how many times has vandy been blown out as opposed to prior to johnson? they used to be a joke, but now they are a legitimate team.
if we are to go by the standard that wining % is everything then I am curious if these other coaches played teams like michigan in their non-conference games... b/c there is a difference between michigan and second-tier programs that most teams fill their non-conference schedule with... Maybe it wasn't a strong argument, but my ultimate point was that there is more to it than winning %
if we are to go by the standard that wining % is everything then I am curious if these other coaches played teams like michigan in their non-conference games... b/c there is a difference between michigan and second-tier programs that most teams fill their non-conference schedule with... Maybe it wasn't a strong argument, but my ultimate point was that there is more to it than winning %

Moral victories are still losses
Dinardo had the correct blueprint to win at Vandy. you cant go pro-style at VU and get the right athletes, you can recruit the wishbone guys that no one else wants and be better than average.

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