Staffer for Democrat Sen. Ben Cardin Filmed Gay Porn in Senate Hearing Room

(D)ifferent ....

Im scratching my head here but what would the law be that forbids having sex in a Senate building? I mean we taxpayers get f**ked over there all the time. But seriously... they should nail these two guys (sorry).. IF there is some legal means to do so.

J6 protestors who sat at Nancy's desk are still languishing in prison. How can they say they are protecting the "honor of the institution" with a straight (sorry) face when they allow things like this to go largely unpunished.

If this were just a sex on the job premises I would say its just a loss of job type of offense but who was the other person there? Sure the staffer may have had access but did the other person(s)? did they violate any laws on video access, etc? The Senate offices are somehow sacrosanct then surely there are some laws that were broken.

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