Seriously, its not worth your time
The First Order ships dont tend to use fighter swarms like the Empire did as part of the Tarkin Doctrine . I think all of their Ties have shields, I know the SF versions do.The First Order has enough resources to have nearly a dozen Battlecruiser-size ships, a dreadnought, and a mobile factory space station, but can't manage to make just a few picket corvettes and gravity well projector ships? The lack of FO Tie swarms bothers me, as well. It's as if there's only three or four fighter wings spread across the entire FO fleet!
That atmosphere in the theater was wild during that scene with the Supremacy. Its a visually stunning scene and it made for a neat vibe in the crowd.You were right. Movie sucked so freaking much. There was too many WTF moments to mention.
My biggest gripe of the whole movie isnt the holes in Reys and Snokes storylines, although theyre huge and handled in a way that would make a one armed blind man with Parkinsons seem dexterous, or Luke getting tossed aside for no reason, my biggest gripe is Leia, whos never been a force user in any real sense getting blasted out into space then waking up from being dead and suddenly being able to use to the force to fly around like freaking Mary Poppins. Seriously what the literal ****!!! /End rant.
Theres a couple of cool scenes like the end scene with the kid. And the scene with Snokes ship. Thats about it.
You were right. Movie sucked so freaking much. There was too many WTF moments to mention.
My biggest gripe of the whole movie isnt the holes in Reys and Snokes storylines, although theyre huge and handled in a way that would make a one armed blind man with Parkinsons seem dexterous, or Luke getting tossed aside for no reason, my biggest gripe is Leia, whos never been a force user in any real sense getting blasted out into space then waking up from being dead and suddenly being able to use to the force to fly around like freaking Mary Poppins. Seriously what the literal ****!!! /End rant.
Theres a couple of cool scenes like the end scene with the kid. And the scene with Snokes ship. Thats about it.
You were right. Movie sucked so freaking much. There was too many WTF moments to mention.
My biggest gripe of the whole movie isnt the holes in Reys and Snokes storylines, although theyre huge and handled in a way that would make a one armed blind man with Parkinsons seem dexterous, or Luke getting tossed aside for no reason, my biggest gripe is Leia, whos never been a force user in any real sense getting blasted out into space then waking up from being dead and suddenly being able to use to the force to fly around like freaking Mary Poppins. Seriously what the literal ****!!! /End rant.
Theres a couple of cool scenes like the end scene with the kid. And the scene with Snokes ship. Thats about it.
The First Order ships dont tend to use fighter swarms like the Empire did as part of the Tarkin Doctrine . I think all of their Ties have shields, I know the SF versions do.
Some of my gripes that I would consider kinda minor but still bothersome:
1) The whole gambling/horse racing (or whatever those creatures were) sequence was the first thing from the new movies that really reminded me of the prequels. It was almost all CGI, bad kids actors, and the whole thing reminded me way too much of The Phantom Menance. Also the new Asian female character.....not good. She's was pretty terrible and felt like she'd be more at home in the prequels with that terrible acting. And the quickie forced romance...eye roll.
2) WTF was up with making Benicio Del Toro's character talk like The Waterboy? Why make him like that? It was so cringey to watch a good actor be reduced to that.
3) General Bad Buy Ginger's exposition was again...prequel levels of bad. Why the hell are you just announcing the bad guy plans randomly to everyone on your ship? Yeah I know, you're doing the lazy thing directors do to let the audience know what's going on but A) the plot is pretty basic; we get it, you don't have to spell it out that you want to destroy the Rebels and B) I'm pretty sure all your co-workers already know you want to destroy the Rebels. So bad.
Exactly. Why even have that in there? Was it supposed to be a nod to the blue milk of Tatooine to get old Star Wars fans to sorta buy in??
I always thought it the milk was blue in the original because of the container it was in.
I laughed when Luke took a swig of it like he's some tough guy; like was that supposed to intimidate Rey?