Starting QB Poll

Who do you think will be the starting QB for Tennessee?

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So those who are adamant about Ferguson why? Or Peterman? As far as Ferguson being more mobile.....really? More mobile than Dobbs? Dobbs finished #6 in Elite 11. And I cant really give an educated opinion about who is the best. I'm just pointing out those who are rallying around one of these youngsters has as much business picking which is better as Stevie Wonder playing a game of Where's Waldo.
Peterman has the best combination of arm strength, mobility, and knowledge of the offense. The other three are all deficient in one or more of those areas. It's Peterman.

Thanks QB coach! Oh wait you are just a poster on Volnation! I keep forgetting that we have a lot of Monday morning QB's!


Why are there people on here that still think all 4 QB's will see action this year? We will have to redshirt either Dobbs or Ferguson. I do not see a reason to burn one year of eligibility. I think this is the true reason that Butch has not chosen a starter yet. The best QB will play, even if it is a true freshman.
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When was that? Unless you watched every practice and then went into the film room with the QB's... you simply don't know that. If you are basing it on his two starts as a Fr... be reminded that he performed as well as Bray and better than Simms.

As well as Bray? I wouldn't even say he performed better than Simms, let alone Bray....he performed as well as Simms at best and Simms was just terrible from start to finish in his UT career.

Are you one of those Bray haters that allows their personal dislike for him to cloud their judgement about his ability as a passer? Worley wasn't even on the same planet as Bray, not even close. Worley can't even perform well in O&W games and in open practices against our terrible secondary.

I have seen every publicly available pass attempt Worley has made since being at the University of Tennessee and he isn't a good QB. I wouldn't even feel good calling him an average QB.
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Fergulicious has more votes than Peterman?? Wow. I remember when Peterman committed, everyone thought he was our Tebow.
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Worley settles down to become good quarterback - Peterman has package with option to be our "wildcat" instead of some dude everybody in the world knows isn't a threat to throw the football. UT wins lots of games.
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This is my thoughts about the QB situation. Correct me if I’m wrong, but from what I’ve seen and read, this offense wants to be a spread option/read type. They don’t have to have RG3 to run it effectively, but the system won’t click on all cylinders until the QB is a threat with his arm and his feet. My money is on Peterman or Ferguson.
They should start the best QB. No matter his exp. or his class rank. If the best QB is a freshman with zero exp. then they need to start him to gain that exp. and I wouldnt call worley's game action to much exp. He start 2 games while bray was hurt and really didnt impress anyone. Even with a vanilla play calling and a short passing game. He still struggled
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If this is the case then why has Worley got most of the 1st team reps?

Let's just face it: none of us want a quarterback named "Justin Worley" as the starter for UT. "Nathan Peterman" has more of a ring to it. Riley Ferguson has the best name, and then Joshua Dobbs. "Justin Worley" just reminds me of that country singer, Darrell Worley, who had that one hit. Once "Justin Worley" throws another pick six, his name will be associated with mediocrity. Hell, it's already a mediocre-sounding name. Nobody is gonna win games with a quarterback named Worley. Book it.
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Let's just face it: none of us want a quarterback named "Justin Worley" as the starter for UT. "Nathan Peterman" has more of a ring to it. Riley Ferguson has the best name, and then Joshua Dobbs. "Justin Worley" just reminds me of that country singer, Darrell Worley, who had that one hit. Once "Justin Worley" throws another pick six, his name will be associated with mediocrity. Hell, it's already a mediocre-sounding name. Nobody is gonna win games with a quarterback named Worley. Book it.

And just what the heck does name have to do with it? I'm sure CBJ is gonna say Monday alright just we're not gonna start you because of your name, we gonna start peterman because that has better ring to it. SMH!
And just what the heck does name have to do with it? I'm sure CBJ is gonna say Monday alright just we're not gonna start you because of your name, we gonna start peterman because that has better ring to it. SMH!

He was joking or at least I hope he was.
And just what the heck does name have to do with it? I'm sure CBJ is gonna say Monday alright just we're not gonna start you because of your name, we gonna start peterman because that has better ring to it. SMH!

Obviously I'm kidding--at least somewhat. Clearly Butch will start the best player, but I think the fans are sub-consciously hoping that Peterman or one of the freshmen get the job in part because "Justin Worley" screams mediocrity. It's just a mediocre name.
When was that? Unless you watched every practice and then went into the film room with the QB's... you simply don't know that. If you are basing it on his two starts as a Fr... be reminded that he performed as well as Bray and better than Simms.

He has an odd delivery. It concerns me that he tends to drop the ball just a little before delivering. That could well be his undoing.

Really? Based on what? The reports are that all of the QB's have made some bad decisions but he makes the fewest. You also have to factor in that you challenge guys at different levels. You don't throw 1st graders into an algebra class... you challenge the kids that are ready for it with algebra and teach 1st graders their numbers and simple math functions.

If a guy has proven he can make certain reads then you throw more complex things at him. He may not succeed. It will often make him look worse than another guy who is being challenged with things already mastered by the first guy.

My basic point is that good QB coaches/OC's like Cutcliffe do this. They challenge guys differently. Guys are at different points of development.

You nor I know whether Worley's "bad decisions" were made because he's at the same level as the others and struggling or because he's being challenged at a higher level.

Jones made it clear from the start that he wanted someone who could manage the offense, avoid mistakes, and throw the ball first. All other things being equal I am sure mobility would factor in.... but that is down the line. Jones said he would run and apparently is running a pro-style offense. The spread option is unlikely to be a major component.

Nice opinion but it is based on very little. Jones said before spring ball that there would be an open competition. He said guys who were there in the spring would get their chance then. The Fr were going to get their chance in the fall. Coming out of spring, Worley was running with the 1's the most and first. Dobbs got the first chance this fall to knock him off... and didn't. Ferguson got a chance recently... and apparently hasn't.

Jones has now decided to ramp up the pressure one last time to see who cracks and who excels. We will see very soon which way he decides to go.

But what has been said and reported publicly indicates nothing more than Dobbs and Ferguson have performed very well for freshmen. That does NOT mean they are performing at a 2nd or 3rd year level.

People keep saying Worley was the Gatorade player of the year his senior year. Guess what that doesn't mean he is an all American in college. I hope he comes in and lights it up, but if he doesn't you gotta put someone else in who may like a Peterman or the two freshmen.
People keep saying this like JW has a season under his belt. While it does count as experience, Peterman would have the first 2 games to get his own. I think a dt qb gives us a better chance

All other things being equal you go with the guy who can run. He isn't a true dt QB though.

Worley has 2 full years of development and a couple of starts. That is good experience. The development is likely more important than the starts. S&C under the last staff was not bad for QB's. College level practice and drills is beneficial- and Chaney was a good coach.
People keep saying Worley was the Gatorade player of the year his senior year. Guess what that doesn't mean he is an all American in college. I hope he comes in and lights it up, but if he doesn't you gotta put someone else in who may like a Peterman or the two freshmen.

That assertion is usually in response to those who seem to favor one of the Freshmen just because they did this or that in high school. Neither a higher profile recruit than Worley. Peterman was a 4* and considered by some to be the best QB out of FL in '12.
We shall see who knows it is just going to be a tough year,but I'm all for the start of the season let's just kick it off!!!
As well as Bray? I wouldn't even say he performed better than Simms, let alone Bray....he performed as well as Simms at best and Simms was just terrible from start to finish in his UT career.
Then go back and look. Simms was very bad even against homecoming fodder competition.

I did not intend to mean that he was better than Bray prior to the injury. Sorry if it seemed that way. But Bray was very bad vs Vandy and UK after returning.

Are you one of those Bray haters that allows their personal dislike for him to cloud their judgement about his ability as a passer?
Nope. I neither like nor dislike Bray or any of the others from a personal standpoint. I think Bray was very enjoyable to watch when he was not under pressure and was making those great throws. I don't like that he was a career choker though.

Worley wasn't even on the same planet as Bray, not even close.
Again, go back and look. At the same point of the season with the same cast of characters, Worley's performed better in his two starts than Bray did in the last two games. And he didn't let his attitude cost the team like Bray did either. Wasn't it Bray that publicly said they didn't care vs UK whether they made a bowl or not?

Worley can't even perform well in O&W games and in open practices against our terrible secondary.
Might want to look up the old stories about Bray's performance in O&W game 2012... and that was WITH Rogers and Hunter. UT didn't have many of its WR's that are likely to play key roles in the O&W game this year.

I have seen every publicly available pass attempt Worley has made since being at the University of Tennessee and he isn't a good QB. I wouldn't even feel good calling him an average QB.
Then go to youtube and look up MTSU vs Tennessee '12. Granted it was MTSU... but UT's receivers weren't exactly getting space against them either.
We shall see who knows it is just going to be a tough year,but I'm all for the start of the season let's just kick it off!!!

Depends on what you call tough. I think they win 7 and could win more. I will be disappointed in Jones if he wins fewer and do not believe he will be the coach in '16 if he wins six or fewer this year.
Fergulicious has more votes than Peterman?? Wow. I remember when Peterman committed, everyone thought he was our Tebow.

Flavor of the day fans.

Ferguson's fans (no knock on the kid) seem to be made up of those who realize Peterman probably didn't pass Worley, rejected the Dobbs hype, and do not want Worley to be the guy. They hung on a few comments by Jones (maybe poorly chosen words) and spun them into the idea that Ferguson had set himself apart from the others.

I have nothing against any of these guys... I have just seen this play before. A notable poster here was absolutely sure that Lane was going to take the #1 spot from Poole as a Fr. Others have declared one new player or another the next great Vol at their position and "start from day one" types of players.

Most often, those players need time to develop and get ready to play at the college level. They mostly start when there are holes in the depth chart. North for instance is a likely starter this year. Three years ago he'd be learning the ropes from Jones and Moore... like Hunter and Rogers did.
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They should start the best QB. No matter his exp. or his class rank. If the best QB is a freshman with zero exp. then they need to start him to gain that exp. and I wouldnt call worley's game action to much exp. He start 2 games while bray was hurt and really didnt impress anyone. Even with a vanilla play calling and a short passing game. He still struggled

He struggled with a team that Simms failed with as a Senior. IIRC, Bray completed less than 45% against Vandy and UK when he took back over for Worley.

That team had no run game. The pocket was collapsing all the time. Only D Rogers was playing anything like an SEC WR.

I don't even care who wins the job as long as it is the "best" guy in Jones' estimation. I do care that we have the facts right when talking about it.
This is my thoughts about the QB situation. Correct me if I’m wrong, but from what I’ve seen and read, this offense wants to be a spread option/read type. They don’t have to have RG3 to run it effectively, but the system won’t click on all cylinders until the QB is a threat with his arm and his feet. My money is on Peterman or Ferguson.

That is incorrect. Jones has said he wants to run a pro style type of offense not based around the QB running often. From what he has said, the read option will not be a major component.
Then go back and look. Simms was very bad even against homecoming fodder competition.
Yes, Simms was very bad. I knew he was terrible right from the start seeing him struggle against a Div II secondary. That is my point though. I can still name performances that Simms had that stand out as significantly better than anything I've seen from Worley. We just don't see eye to eye on Worley's performances.

I did not intend to mean that he was better than Bray prior to the injury. Sorry if it seemed that way. But Bray was very bad vs Vandy and UK after returning.
We beat Vandy after Bray's return and he played pretty well considering the injury. Again, much better than Worley had played or likely would have played. The UK game was a meltdown and is still unexplainable to this day, but it wasn't just was the entire team and coaching staff.

Nope. I neither like nor dislike Bray or any of the others from a personal standpoint. I think Bray was very enjoyable to watch when he was not under pressure and was making those great throws. I don't like that he was a career choker though.
Fair, but I think he was far from a "choker" in his Junior season sans the Vandy game. He would have went out under much better circumstances with any sort of capable defense

Again, go back and look. At the same point of the season with the same cast of characters, Worley's performed better in his two starts than Bray did in the last two games. And he didn't let his attitude cost the team like Bray did either. Wasn't it Bray that publicly said they didn't care vs UK whether they made a bowl or not?
Same answer as above. Don't agree. Watched the games, viewed the stats. We see it differently

Might want to look up the old stories about Bray's performance in O&W game 2012... and that was WITH Rogers and Hunter. UT didn't have many of its WR's that are likely to play key roles in the O&W game this year.
Were you there? That weather was a legit excuse. Unless you are the starting QB for the Chicago Bears or something then nobody is used to playing under extreme winds like that.

Then go to youtube and look up MTSU vs Tennessee '12. Granted it was MTSU... but UT's receivers weren't exactly getting space against them either.
First of all it was MTSU.. Second of all, he still looked bad in my opinion. Remember what Bray looked like in that part of his freshman year against better competition in Ole Miss? That is the kind of play you should have expected from Worley against a lousy MTSU.

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