State Migration Chart 2021

I am not saying I have the right mindset and others have a wrong mindset. I just see freedom differently. Don't get me wrong, I am doing my Civic duty and sharing my voice with my representatives (summary: mandates and lockdowns are bad, stop and don't do them again) but in the grand scheme of my life they're just annoyances.

The things that make me free, truly free, are in my heart and can't be taken away. Everything else is just a temporary convenience to me. I learned that mindset from my mother, whose body began to fail shortly after my little brother was born.
Is having to show a vaccine card an infringement of freedom?
The only way we can protect our freedom is by denying people their freedom!
States set their own election laws. Why would it be unreasonable to have a stipulation that says wait 2-4 years before you can vote?
States set their own election laws. Why would it be unreasonable to have a stipulation that says wait 2-4 years before you can vote?

The American Revolution was fought over taxation without representation. If you're doing to deny individuals the right to vote, be prepared to deny your state their tax money in return.
Asheville is super liberal, they treat the homeless really, really well there and then wonder why the crime rate soared after getting the elected officials to defund the po-po. That place is a mess... But the beer is awesome.

Wasn’t always that way.
The American Revolution was fought over taxation without representation. If you're doing to deny individuals the right to vote, be prepared to deny your state their tax money in return.

So let them stay in the sh**holes they helped create.
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The American Revolution was fought over taxation without representation. If you're doing to deny individuals the right to vote, be prepared to deny your state their tax money in return.

Taxation is why they’re running to red states in mass. Because Trump prevented the wealthy elites from being able to deduct their state and local taxes from their federal taxes.

One of the biggest scams out there and yet no one on the left really talks about. They even tried to bring those tax breaks back and then wonder why Joe Manchin wouldn’t vote for it
The American Revolution was fought over taxation without representation. If you're doing to deny individuals the right to vote, be prepared to deny your state their tax money in return.
They would still have representation if they lived in particular state.

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