State Of The Union 2024

has there been any fall out from the left yet for Biden calling "Lincoln" Riley's killer an "illegal"? thought that term was no bueno. how about when he followed that up saying illegals are killing thousands of people?
Thanks, took this from your article.

“People with megalomania are obsessed with power and will do anything to gain it”

Biden panders. Like I said, only one has been in power for 50 years. Not sure you understand the meaning.

It's a question of motive. Biden's isn't perfect at every turn, but by and large he can see past himself.

Trump views literally everything in the form of a mirror. How does this make me look?

Every. Single. Thing.
Lol, pull head out of butt. At least half the country absolutely loves abortion. Doctors brag about how many babies they kill. Women boast about how many babies they've killed. Not only do they support abortion they love it.

What is wrong with you?
It's a question of motive. Biden's isn't perfect at every turn, but by and large he can see past himself.

Trump views literally everything in the form of a mirror. How does this make me look?

Every. Single. Thing.

LOL - Biden always self-aggrandizes himself. He's the hero of every story and he imagines himself as being any manner of things.

none of these armchair diagnoses mean a thing - any doctor who claims they can diagnose such a condition without personally examining the subject is a quack.
Didnt he? The only people who were offended by him were white people. LOL, if anything he brought to forefront what we all knew was that the balance of power in this Country is heavily slanted toward Whites. Any time in history that someone feels power struggle, instant reaction is to pearl clutch. The moment that rhetoric started
hitting home, the rich whites & crackers started looking around. They saw Trump, who didnt believe half the bs coming out of his own mouth. But, because he got some attention, like a HS girl - the ratings were good for business. We got the greatest troll in history of this Country.

Now the real story in the context of your observation isn't the Trump vote but this:

A January 2024 USA Today/Suffolk poll indicated that while Biden’s support among Black voters fell from 87% to 63%

That's a big decrease in support of Biden regardless of where else that support may go.
It's a question of motive. Biden's isn't perfect at every turn, but by and large he can see past himself.

Trump views literally everything in the form of a mirror. How does this make me look?

Every. Single. Thing.
See past himself while protecting his son but talking guns and pay fair share to everyone else. Got it
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Now the real story in the context of your observation isn't the Trump vote but this:

A January 2024 USA Today/Suffolk poll indicated that while Biden’s support among Black voters fell from 87% to 63%

That's a big decrease in support of Biden regardless of where else that support may go.

It is really more about Geography than Race. Black voters in typically red area are moving heavily towards Trump and have been even since 2020. However, "black" voters in urban areas are still very much in the Democratic camp although they are getting frustrated with Biden and may just stay at home.

So winning the "black" vote should really be stated as winning the "urban, inner city vote" if you want to be specific. Republicans have a horrible track record with this vote and it is what is keeping the Democrats in power.
so the state of the union summary. we need unlimited funding for Ukraine, kids get sex change surgeries and abortions for all. is that accurate? all the other concerns like high prices, illegal aliens, increased crime, lower wages are put on the back burner..
so the state of the union summary. we need unlimited funding for Ukraine, kids get sex change surgeries and abortions for all. is that accurate? all the other concerns like high prices, illegal aliens, increased crime, lower wages are put on the back burner..

high prices -- inflation rate is coming down, but there's not a whole lot a POTUS could do about it right now, anyway, no matter who was POTUS. And in fact if Trump gets elected and packs the Fed with folks who will slash interest rates too quickly, inflation will surely spike again. Otherwise, this is just not something the POTUS can do a whole lot about.

illegal aliens -- there is a bipartisan bill out there, which would make a huge difference for the better. So the GOP under Trump's thumb don;t want that to happen.

increased crime --not a federal, POTUS, issue.

lower wages -- wages are up. Inflation has the effect of reducing it. See above.

Now the real story in the context of your observation isn't the Trump vote but this:

A January 2024 USA Today/Suffolk poll indicated that while Biden’s support among Black voters fell from 87% to 63%

That's a big decrease in support of Biden regardless of where else that support may go.
That is significant.
high prices -- inflation rate is coming down, but there's not a whole lot a POTUS could do about it right now, anyway, no matter who was POTUS. And in fact if Trump gets elected and packs the Fed with folks who will slash interest rates too quickly, inflation will surely spike again. Otherwise, this is just not something the POTUS can do a whole lot about.

illegal aliens -- there is a bipartisan bill out there, which would make a huge difference for the better. So the GOP under Trump's thumb don;t want that to happen.

increased crime --not a federal, POTUS, issue.

lower wages -- wages are up. Inflation has the effect of reducing it. See above.
Lay American reads on a 5th or 6th grade level, hence USA today writing as if it's audience is in grade school, Facebooks news marketing it's eye candy (successfully) to its viewers.

Ergo, our collective ability to critically view this information, digest it, and apply it frontal lobedly, is a fools errand.
high prices -- inflation rate is coming down, but there's not a whole lot a POTUS could do about it right now, anyway, no matter who was POTUS. And in fact if Trump gets elected and packs the Fed with folks who will slash interest rates too quickly, inflation will surely spike again. Otherwise, this is just not something the POTUS can do a whole lot about.

illegal aliens -- there is a bipartisan bill out there, which would make a huge difference for the better. So the GOP under Trump's thumb don;t want that to happen.

increased crime --not a federal, POTUS, issue.

lower wages -- wages are up. Inflation has the effect of reducing it. See above.

inflation is not coming down, it may be coming down from last year, but it's still way up. the bill is a sham, it will not close the boarder or keep illegals from breaking the law.

you stop illegals from coming in, crime goes down. also Biden and the dems hate cops, it's quite obvious over the last 4 years.

wages aren't keep up with inflation. i see it everyday.
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Now the real story in the context of your observation isn't the Trump vote but this:

A January 2024 USA Today/Suffolk poll indicated that while Biden’s support among Black voters fell from 87% to 63%

That's a big decrease in support of Biden regardless of where else that support may go.
They'll get back in line on election day
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So much copium being smoked by the usual suspect knuckledraggers today. You know that means they know Joe dunked on them last night.

You can't love your country only when you win.

Quoted for posterity.

You will fear monger, whine, beetch, foam at the mouth and need xanax for panic attacks the next 4 years when Trump pimpsmacks everyone like you and systematically negates every bad policy rammed thru by the leftist degenerates.

Oh're still doing most of that now from a term that ended 4 years ago.
Last night was a win for Biden. It may not mean much in the long run, but it was clearly a good night for him.

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