Steroids (Thread)



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2008
Just a question for you guys. Does anyone care if a pro athlete is or was on steroids? I mean truly do you care? I for one don't care. I wanna see monster homeruns. I want to see pitchers throw 100mph every pitch. I wanna see mini incredible hulks on the football field. It's their body so why care? Just my opinion. Wondering what you guys may think.
I watch sports to see who the best competitors are.

When you allow doping agents in the mix it starts becoming somewhat about who is injecting the most potent hormones, the strongest stimulants, who is willing to do the craziest sh*t, etc.

Hell yeah that cheapens it
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I watch sports to see who the best competitors are.

When you allow doping agents in the mix it starts becoming somewhat about who is injecting the most potent hormones, the strongest stimulants, who is willing to do the craziest sh*t, etc.

Hell yeah that cheapens it

Does creatine cheapen it? Do protein supplements cheapen it? Does superior diet cheapen it? Does 20/15 vision from lasik cheapen it? Where do you draw the line?

I have no problem with pro athletes juicing.
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Nope. None at all. I just saw an advertisement on the road for HGH. Why the hell can't an athlete take some?
Does creatine cheapen it? Do protein supplements cheapen it? Does superior diet cheapen it? Does 20/15 vision from lasik cheapen it? Where do you draw the line?

I have no problem with pro athletes juicing.

Amen brotha. Just make it really expensive and can only be prescribed by real doctors to help monitor their health.
For example. Brian McCann didn't have great eyesight, but as a normal functioning human like you or me, it was perfectly fine. He got Lasik to see the ball better. How is that not performance enhancing?
For example. Brian McCann didn't have great eyesight, but as a normal functioning human like you or me, it was perfectly fine. He got Lasik to see the ball better. How is that not performance enhancing?

you don't see a difference between injecting steroids and having your vision corrected?
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Is lasik surgery something that is easily abused and detrimental to one's health?

Yes, it's very addictive and causes severe swelling.
I don't care for it.

What are the dangers associated with using it?

There are no real long term studies. If you are an educated healthy adult male I see no real dangers. The key words are healthy & adult & educated & a male. Arnold juiced from a teenager & is getting along pretty well. Many men outside of their prime are turning to HRT to improve quality of life. Sports made their own bed by not testing for so many years.
There are no real long term studies. If you are an educated healthy adult male I see no real dangers. The key words are healthy & adult & educated & a male. Arnold juiced from a teenager & is getting along pretty well. Many men outside of their prime are turning to HRT to improve quality of life. Sports made their own bed by not testing for so many years.

Steroids can be bad for you if abused (see Ken Caminiti).

However, HGH, from what I've read, is perfectly fine.
HGH is an illegal substance banned in all sports. I'd consider it as a steroid or performance enhancing. It's their health so who cares.

I guess they need better lobbyists.

But to your point, aside from the health aspects, yes I care because I don't like cheaters.
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Steroids can be bad for you if abused (see Ken Caminiti).

However, HGH, from what I've read, is perfectly fine.

This is the ignorance associated with people who know nothing about steroids. He did steroids & died so that's what killed him. It wasn't the fact he was an alcoholic or was a drug addict that did every other drug there is. He died of an overdose & you're not gonna od on steroids.
This is the ignorance associated with people who know nothing about steroids. He did steroids & died so that's what killed him. It wasn't the fact he was an alcoholic or was a drug addict that did every other drug there is.

Steroids can be abused, and there are health consequences for doing so. There is no arguing that.
Steroids can be abused, and there are health consequences for doing so. There is no arguing that.

There's possible health consequences with anything but because you take something & discover a health issue it doesn't mean it was a direct result of that.
Steroids can be abused, and there are health consequences for doing so. There is no arguing that.

Yes, but taken properly there isn't really a problem in the large majority of cases. To improve my sports performance I can eat enough meat to hurt my long term health, but I don't think that's a reason to ban meat consumption among athletes.
This is the ignorance associated with people who know nothing about steroids. He did steroids & died so that's what killed him. It wasn't the fact he was an alcoholic or was a drug addict that did every other drug there is. He died of an overdose & you're not gonna od on steroids.

Where did I say he died from steroids? I said he abused him...his words.
Steroids can be abused, and there are health consequences for doing so. There is no arguing that.

There are only health consequences if they are abused. On another note, you have a **** ton of people who abuse food. Look at the obesity rates it this country, it is sickening.

Yes, but taken properly there isn't really a problem in the large majority of cases. To improve my sports performance I can eat enough meat to hurt my long term health, but I don't think that's a reason to ban meat consumption among athletes.

I have no issue with steroids in pro sports.

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