Still happy Bray is gone????

yep. I am confident there is a qb on the roster who could be better than Worley. I am glad Bray is gone. You think Bray is beating Oregon? I remember him losing to UK.
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Well since his ass would be riding pine right next to mo couch it doesn't really freaking matter, does it?!?
I may be glad he is gone...but this is embarrassing. I've never seen us get humiliated this badly. This is worse than losing to KenSucky.
Even if Bray had stayed, he'd be at home with Maurice Couch because as always, Bray put himself above the team and cheated by taking money illegally.

Had Bray not been here at all, maybe, just maybe, Mo wouldn't be in trouble.
Yes.....he wouldn't have played anyway......wouldn't even made the trip.....moneyball
Yes still glad he's gone

We would still be getting hammered
He would be suspended
There would be more negativity than there is now.
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He was actually a talented QB who could compete a downfield pass...he tore it up in the preseason game with the Chiefs against better competition than what is the Oregn defense....with proper coaching h would have been our bst QB since we have think some of you wee saying Worely was better than Bray...hahahahaha...Worely is the worst startin QB i have ever seen wear least Crompton had an arm on

Please....Shut up :salute:
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Yes I am glad he is gone. He would probably have throw 3 int by now and be standing on the side line pouting blsming everyone but himself. Good riddsnce.....oh never mind if he were still on the team he would not have made the trip. He would be suspended for takung that cash
you can't just completely throw out his off the field behavior, that's true. but GOOD LORD he was talented. and the right coach could have kept him in line, forced him to be mature, and inspired him to be great.

I only hated TBray for his lack of effort and games he didn't try--which was often--but y'all know you couldn't possibly hate him for how clutch he was WHEN HE WANTED TO BE. I HATE that I keep going back to "what could have been" because it's clearly pointless. but even without CP and JH this offense would have been fine. not great but fine. losing Bray is really, obviously, the difference maker.
you guys saying good riddance.... I totally agreed at the end of last season. But we would have beaten WKU by like 60 with bray and would still be losing this game but not nearly as bad.

but bottom line: doesn't even matter worrying about would have been because it is the way it is.

you just can't help but being heartbroken. and clearly CBJ agrees with us because Peterman is in right now.
you guys saying good riddance.... I totally agreed at the end of last season. But we would have beaten WKU by like 60 with bray and would still be losing this game but not nearly as bad.

but bottom line: doesn't even matter worrying about would have been because it is the way it is.

you just can't help but being heartbroken. and clearly CBJ agrees with us because Peterman is in right now.

Beaten WKU by 60 with Bray? Did you catch last year's Troy game? Bray was talented, by he beat noone. He didn't win 1 game against an opponent worth a salt. Who cares how strong his arm is if he doesn't win, doesn't lead, gives lackluster effort, and behaves like a child? I want players repping UT who appreciate it, not guys who have a sense of entitlement. I don't care what happens, I am glad we are moving on from that type of stuff.
Given his attitude? No. I do miss his arm. I would say I don't miss his heart, but how do you not miss something that wasn't there to begin with. :)
Remember people were trashing he and hunter after they declared.... The last thing you want on your team is NFL players
you can't just completely throw out his off the field behavior, that's true. but GOOD LORD he was talented. and the right coach could have kept him in line, forced him to be mature, and inspired him to be great.

I only hated TBray for his lack of effort and games he didn't try--which was often--but y'all know you couldn't possibly hate him for how clutch he was WHEN HE WANTED TO BE. I HATE that I keep going back to "what could have been" because it's clearly pointless. but even without CP and JH this offense would have been fine. not great but fine. losing Bray is really, obviously, the difference maker.

I have never heard "clutch" and "Tyler Bray" in the same sentence before. Ever.
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I liked how T. Bray played. T. Bray was a true pocket passer much like Ainge was. It's the fact that T. Bray probably didn't have the best coaching in the world which can explain why he didn't want to go through another transition with a new coaching staff. It worked out for him though. That 4th preseason game that he played against the Packers showed how good he is. It's going to be a while before another pocket passer comes up as many coaches prefer "dual-threat" quarterbacks. It does frustrate me that these "dual-threat" QB's take the fun out of the game since they can run and throw at the same time. However, that doesn't always translate into success in the NFL.
He was actually a talented QB who could compete a downfield pass...he tore it up in the preseason game with the Chiefs against better competition than what is the Oregn defense....with proper coaching h would have been our bst QB since we have think some of you wee saying Worely was better than Bray...hahahahaha...Worely is the worst startin QB i have ever seen wear least Crompton had an arm on

Yes he's an idiot.
He was actually a talented QB who could compete a downfield pass...he tore it up in the preseason game with the Chiefs against better competition than what is the Oregn defense....with proper coaching h would have been our bst QB since we have think some of you wee saying Worely was better than Bray...hahahahaha...Worely is the worst startin QB i have ever seen wear least Crompton had an arm on

Bray was also a cancer to the team. That may not show up in the stats, but it does show up in wins and losses...Of course, it would be nice to have someone with his talent, on this team.
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I'd take Connor Shaw over Bray. Still don't understand running the read option offense with a qb that can't run.
guys....Bray is 100 times the player that Worley is....with proper coching like Butch he would have had some big wins at UT....he lit up the Green Bay Packers' third string defense in preseason...yeah it was 3rd and 4th string defense but thatisbetter than Bama's first string......all Bray needed was coaching...Worely doesn't have ne 10th of Bray's talent or arm...and he doesn't even have good pocket awareness..
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