I was in a heated discussion on another forum, and I wanted to bring the discussion here.
Here’s a calculation of how incredibly awful Social Security is. In 45 years of working, I and my employer have contributed $338,524 into that program. If I divide that evenly throughout that time, it comes out to $7500/year, $625/month or $312.50 every two weeks. I am going to round that down to $200 every two weeks to show how absolutely insane that program is and how much it costs us Americans. Here are the parameters: $200 every two weeks contributed into a Total Stock Market ETF that averages 8% (again rounded down… VTI has averaged 8.8% since inception). Again... $200 every 2 weeks… 45 years at 8%. Care to guess? $2 million dollars… and change. If I use $300, it would be $3 million.
As it stands right now, with the pathetic payout I will get at age 70, it will take 8 YEARS to recover just what I have paid into it. Maybe if I live to be 100 I will actually see some return, but inflation will pretty much kill that.
If a young working person puts a mere $50 every two weeks into that same index fund, he will have well over $500K. The government is stealing money from us under the guise of a ‘retirement’ plan, and pilfering that money for God knows what.
Just another example of how the government steals from us and tells us it's for our own good.