It could go way south. I don’t have a crystal ball. But there is a whole bunch of needlessly stoked fear and irrational behavior. See my post about SVD depositors being relieved that they got a cashiers check from the bank they think is insolvent and decided to take their money out. Why take a check from somebody you don’t think can pay you
There are unprecedented actions being taken now which can rightly be pointed at and debated. The FR issuing loans for basically 70% collateral for one. Nobody else would do that. Also the Feds saying “all depositors will be made whole” is a bit too much to state right now. The plan is to sell the seized assets to make the depositors whole but if they cannot cover 100% of deposits nobody is talking about how to close that gap. That is the reality.
And I am rolling on the floor laughing my ass off at the flight to bitcoin today