you repeat make statements constantly that just dont sound like they are true, so you get called out, i'll provide a few examples...
1. you state that calipari said, " harrow is better than teague", and also " harrow is a much better shooter than teague". i told you that both of these are false statements he said no such thing please provie a link with calipari making those statements. when asked to provide your source of information you claim you dont want to take the time to find it. ok.
2. you state that shabazz and noels are both clear UK leans and that both are going to be at UK most likely. i also found this to not sound very true so i did my own research. when i called you out on what i found, which was that neither are even close to UK leans, you fire back with NOELS teammates said so. so you tell me that his teammates say he is a uk lean and to google it so i did, here's the link...
Nerlens Noels Teammates Want Him at Kentucky |
for those that maybe unable to read it it is noels teammates being asked where SHOULD noels go. both of the teammates kind of pause and say i think he should go to UK because it seems like a good fit, and they put guys in the NBA. at no point do either one of his teammates make it sound the least bit like this is coming from Noels himself, it's purely the teammates stating where they think he should go. here is another link FROM A UK site, and even they feel Noels most likely isnt leaning UK's way...
Kentucky Basketball Recruiting: Top Prospect Nerlens Noel Reclassifies to 2012 Class - A Sea Of Blue
So now as far as shabazz goes, you were never able to provide me with any sort of link that suggests he is a UK lean as well, so once again i did my own research. this link i also am providing is from the same KY media website as the article on noels, heres the link...
Kentucky Basketball Recruiting: Obligatory Shabazz Muhammad Update - A Sea Of Blue
for those that cant read it i'll summarize. shabazz has long thought to be a ucla lean or even unlv as he is from las vegas, but most feel ucla. however, with the downfall going on out there he seems to have opened his thoughts up a bit on where he'll go, he still is considered a UCLA lean, but if UCLA was to fire howland at seasons end that would pretty much end any chance UCLA has of landing him. the writer goes on to say how duke has come on strong as of late and with the departures duke faces could be a real factor, and then says who knows he may stay at home with UNLV. at the end he says im gonna say he ends up at UK, but he even admits that this is purely a guess and at this point nobody really knows.
so judge i ask you...why do you continue to post things on this site that are completely false to try and make big bad UK look better, and tougher? you were wrong about harrow, you were wrong about shabazz, and you were wrong about noels. you are the last person i would ever want being my lawyer or writing an essay for me as you clearly dont do your research and just blurt things out without verifying ANYTHING.