Stop calling them Democrats & Libs

She's a moron and part of the problem. I have no doubt we will elect her president one day.

I’ll take the luther continuum stance here … she would be a considerable upgrade from our current failing president that was elected only because the other guy was hated more .
I’ll take the luther continuum stance here … she would be a considerable upgrade from our current failing president that was elected only because the other guy was hated more .
Considerable? Hmmm
Because melodramatic name-calling, followed up by some hyperbolic rhetoric, is always the most efficient solution to any disagreement.

Being impressed by branding of ones enemy's with grade school taunts appeals to a certain sub set of folks on the right. @ClearwaterVol may be on to something, she may be just planting the seed.
Considerable? Hmmm

Absolutely without a doubt since Biden is the most despicable, disposable , one term stand in , that has ever been elected based off of pure emotion instead of common sense , in the history of the world . (Strictly using subjective opinion and the continuum ) We now have a President that will not only straight up lie to the public he will refuse to take any questions about it . I’m putting my 87% correct assumption ratio on the line here and saying .. a foot long corn dog , at a county fair, in the middle of Alabama , has more brain cells than Biden does .
Absolutely without a doubt since Biden is the most despicable, disposable , one term stand in , that has ever been elected based off of pure emotion instead of common sense , in the history of the world . (Strictly using subjective opinion and the continuum ) We now have a President that will not only straight up lie to the public he will refuse to take any questions about it . I’m putting my 87% correct assumption ratio on the line here and saying .. a foot long corn dog , at a county fair, in the middle of Alabama , has more brain cells than Biden does .
Couldn't this line in bold have been said when Trump was President? He certainly did lie his butt off. Most of the questions which Trump took, were in softball interviews with fanboys like Hannity and the Fox and Friends crew.

At least the Biden administration conducts daily briefings on a regular basis, with a competent Press Secretary (Jen Psaki)... Trump had a Press Secretary (Stephanie Grisham) that never held a briefing or gave any interviews. Though, she has now written a juicy tell-all.
Couldn't this line in bold have been said when Trump was President? He certainly did lie his butt off. Most of the questions which Trump took, were in softball interviews with fanboys like Hannity and the Fox and Friends crew.

At least the Biden administration conducts daily briefings on a regular basis, with a competent Press Secretary (Jen Psaki)... Trump had a Press Secretary (Stephanie Grisham) that never held a briefing or gave any interviews. Though, she has now written a juicy tell-all.

You were doing good until you said “ at least Biden “ . We all know and can see that Biden is being handled and is told when , where , how and what questions he can answer . Not saying they don’t have a good reason for it but we know it’s being done and he straight up avoiding questions .
You were doing good until you said “ at least Biden “ . We all know and can see that Biden is being handled and is told when , where , how and what questions he can answer . Not saying they don’t have a good reason for it but we know it’s being done and he straight up avoiding questions .
Well, I did say "At least the Biden administration ..."

Of course, he is being handled very carefully. The White House right now is The Ron Klain Show.
Because melodramatic name-calling, followed up by some hyperbolic rhetoric, is always the most efficient solution to any disagreement.
Should she have challenged him to a push up contest? Or called him a lying horse faced dog soldier? Maybe wandered off till a handler grabbed her? Refused to take any questions after 11 am?
Absolutely without a doubt since Biden is the most despicable, disposable , one term stand in , that has ever been elected based off of pure emotion instead of common sense , in the history of the world . (Strictly using subjective opinion and the continuum ) We now have a President that will not only straight up lie to the public he will refuse to take any questions about it . I’m putting my 87% correct assumption ratio on the line here and saying .. a foot long corn dog , at a county fair, in the middle of Alabama , has more brain cells than Biden does .
She would be no different and would absolutely be controlled. She's just a mouthpiece who repeats taking points and memes. The right likes her talking because of her color
Couldn't this line in bold have been said when Trump was President? He certainly did lie his butt off. Most of the questions which Trump took, were in softball interviews with fanboys like Hannity and the Fox and Friends crew.

At least the Biden administration conducts daily briefings on a regular basis, with a competent Press Secretary (Jen Psaki)... Trump had a Press Secretary (Stephanie Grisham) that never held a briefing or gave any interviews. Though, she has now written a juicy tell-all.

What? Trump was bombarded with questions that he answered every time he was out of the WH. Trump also did interviews with several newstainment personalities that were not part of FOX. Hell his town hall during the campaign was with a hostile Savannah Guthrie.
Sure, but that doesn't seem to rescue Joe.
I've never said Joe is anything but a mindless puppet being rewarded for party service. I just don't find CO to be very compelling either. She's a speaker but not a thinker
Absolutely without a doubt since Biden is the most despicable, disposable , one term stand in , that has ever been elected based off of pure emotion instead of common sense , in the history of the world . (Strictly using subjective opinion and the continuum ) We now have a President that will not only straight up lie to the public he will refuse to take any questions about it . I’m putting my 87% correct assumption ratio on the line here and saying .. a foot long corn dog , at a county fair, in the middle of Alabama , has more brain cells than Biden does .
Getting there!!!
Should she have challenged him to a push up contest? Or called him a lying horse faced dog soldier? Maybe wandered off till a handler grabbed her? Refused to take any questions after 11 am?
She could try being specific with what decision, policy, directive or agenda she objects with, and then explain what she would like to see done differently, and why she believes that would lead to a preferential result?

Instead, all she has done is contribute to the hostility with generic, sound-byte taunts. There are very few people who are genuinely skilled at changing minds anymore. The people who are all have at least one common trait: They are respectful of opposing perspectives.

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