Stop calling them Democrats & Libs

What? Trump was bombarded with questions that he answered every time he was out of the WH. Trump also did interviews with several newstainment personalities that were not part of FOX. Hell his town hall during the campaign was with a hostile Savannah Guthrie.
She could try being specific with what decision, policy, directive or agenda she objects with, and then explain what she would like to see done differently, and why she believes that would lead to a preferential result?

Instead, all she has done is contribute to the hostility with generic, sound-byte taunts. There are very few people who are genuinely skilled at changing minds anymore. The people who are all have at least one common trait: They are respectful of opposing perspectives.
She's not a politician, heck I havent even seen a politician get that specific outside maybe the Paul's. Your criticism spreads across both sides of the aisles and includes pretty much everyone's critiques of everything.

Look at the Trump hate. 90% started with the mean stuff he said, and when it came to policy complaints you got general, no specific comments like "its racist", while not being able to point to actual provisions that made them racist.
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She's not a politician, heck I havent even seen a politician get that specific outside maybe the Paul's. Your criticism spreads across both sides of the aisles and includes pretty much everyone's critiques of everything.

Look at the Trump hate. 90% started with the mean stuff he said, and when it came to policy complaints you got general, no specific comments like "its racist", while not being able to point to actual provisions that made them racist.
By and large, Trump's tweeting wasn't "mean". It was cowardly.
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By and large, Trump's tweeting wasn't "mean". It was cowardly.
His tweets revealed his insecurities more than anything else.

"Donald Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a strong man, and a stupid man's idea of a smart man."

- Repeated so many times now, it has become cliche.... but still so true.
Her tweet is not unifying us at all. Where is da love?
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His tweets revealed his insecurities more than anything else.

"Donald Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a strong man, and a stupid man's idea of a smart man."

- Repeated so many times now, it has become cliche.... but still so true.

Trump's first interview after inauguration was with ABCs Muir, when's Biden going to do a FOX interview?
Trump's first interview after inauguration was with ABCs Muir, when's Biden going to do a FOX interview?
I think he has done an interview with Chris Wallace?

We can all see that Biden is being handled with extreme caution and that is not a surprise. That is how the campaign was run. It's one of many reasons why I don't think he will run for a 2nd term. His whole purpose was just to defeat Trump in 2020, and that purpose has been served. I think Ron Klain is pulling the strings... with very shaky results. Biden's communication's team is solid, though. Psaki has proven herself to be very capable. The bottom line: the tough questions are being asked and they are being answered.
I think he has done an interview with Chris Wallace?

We can all see that Biden is being handled with extreme caution and that is not a surprise. That is how the campaign was run. It's one of many reasons why I don't think he will run for a 2nd term. His whole purpose was just to defeat Trump in 2020, and that purpose has been served. I think Ron Klain is pulling the strings... with very shaky results. Biden's communication's team is solid, though. Psaki has proven herself to be very capable. The bottom line: the tough questions are being asked and they are being answered.

"circle back" isn't so much an answer as it is an avoidance of an answer.
I think he has done an interview with Chris Wallace?

We can all see that Biden is being handled with extreme caution and that is not a surprise. That is how the campaign was run. It's one of many reasons why I don't think he will run for a 2nd term. His whole purpose was just to defeat Trump in 2020, and that purpose has been served. I think Ron Klain is pulling the strings... with very shaky results. Biden's communication's team is solid, though. Psaki has proven herself to be very capable. The bottom line: the tough questions are being asked and they are being answered.

LOL Wallace interviewed Biden March 2020. What a selling point, anything to defeat Trump.

Answers like 3.5 billion won't cost anything or how about companies won't pass along increases in taxes?
She is trying to shift the narrative.

It’s like when Trump was suddenly racist after he won. He had dined with multiple leaders of the NCAAP for decades prior and was their friend but the minute he was elected the narrative became he was a racist and it stuck with many people.

If you can stick the progressives with the term communism then it is a hard blow as everything they do will be seen as a move towards communism. The average American has no idea what most of these terms truly mean but they do know communism is a scary buzz word.

The reality is our government wants to be totalitarian and control all aspects of our life. The 600 dollar bank exchange, the mileage tax, the mandate, the 700k penalty they hit each business with if they do not comply. These are all massive control grabs that lead to such a state.
Trump's first interview after inauguration was with ABCs Muir, when's Biden going to do a FOX interview?
I would guess never.
First, ABC and Fox are as comparable as steak and rat meat.
Second, not only will Biden not be giving any interviews to Fox, he will not be giving any interviews to legitimate news services. He no longer had the capacity to give a good interview.

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