Stop calling them Democrats & Libs

I wouldn't go so far as to call it communistic, but there is definitely a leftist revolution taking place right now. They control academia. They control corporations. The younger generations are indoctrinated with leftist garbage.

It truly is a David vs Goliath situation right now. They want to turn us into China, and they're doing it slowly, one step at a time so that nobody notices.

I also fault conservatives or libertarians for not standing up to this garbage sooner. We might could have stopped it at an ideological level before it metastasized into what it is now. It will continue to metastasize until either America falls or we balkanize. People are waking up now, but it's too late. IMO, the train is the approaching the cliff and the brakes are on full blast but it can't stop in time to avoid the cliff. This is America right now.

Socialism can lead to communism.
Riiiight……because the left is SO MATURE with their constant branding of conservatives as Nazis, bigots, racists, and KKK members.
Physician, heal thyself and then get back to us, ok?
The branding of liberals from the right isn't any different in its absurdity and foolishness as what you stated. But folks do it anyways. And I'm not giving a pass to liberals/leftists either, they do say absurd things about conservatives as well.
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The Communist trope has been beaten to death and is not even remotely accurate. If she wanted to be truthful and avoid right-wing buzz words like the ones she used here to get likes on the bird app, she should have said that there are liberals and leftists in the Democratic party, and populist leftists are trying to push the country in a direction that is anathema to a large portion of the country. No one is trying to destroy Western Civilization either, whatever in the world that means.
The Communist trope has been beaten to death and is not even remotely accurate. If she wanted to be truthful and avoid right-wing buzz words like the ones she used here to get likes on the bird app, she should have said that there are liberals and leftists in the Democratic party, and populist leftists are trying to push the country in a direction that is anathema to a large portion of the country. No one is trying to destroy Western Civilization either, whatever in the world that means.
Whenever leftist academics try to stop the teaching of dead white European authors like Shakespeare because of “colonialism” , claim that concepts like mathematics, logic, and philosophy are examples of white supremacy, and that deconstructionism is a valid way of viewing reality they are in fact trying to destroy western civilization and replace it with a nihilistic wasteland.
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Whenever leftist academics try to stop the teaching of dead white European authors like Shakespeare because of “colonialism” , claim that concepts like mathematics, logic, and philosophy are examples of white supremacy, and that deconstructionism is a valid way of viewing reality they are in fact trying to destroy western civilization and replace it with a nihilistic wasteland.
None of that happened while I was student at UT. Absolutely none of it.
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This works both ways. As much as my experience at UT is in a bubble, as you said, the same is the case for the links you provided. You are painting with a broad brush.
Logic wasn’t in your curriculum at UT either I guess. It is possible to back a positive claim with examples as I have done. It is impossible to prove a negative by a lack of examples as you have attempted. My brush may be broad, but at least I HAVE a brush.
Logic wasn’t in your curriculum at UT either I guess. It is possible to back a positive claim with examples as I have done. It is impossible to prove a negative by a lack of examples as you have attempted. My brush may be broad, but at least I HAVE a brush.
Insults now, nice. Good night.
Not libertarians fault. You had Ron Paul sitting right there on two different election cycles and the GOP chose McCain and Mittens... who both lost to Obama, Now, these same clowns are expecting to get justice from the courts or congress.
And let's not forget about the fake allegations against Herman Cain which ended up causing him to drop out of the 2012 presidential race.
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You should be able to predict what I'm going to say.
Close your eyes and give it a shot.

On the Soul Continuum, Biden scores significantly higher than Trump.
Are you talking about the same Biden who said he wanted to punch Trump and take him "behind the gym"? The same Biden who was challenging other grown men to push up contests. Getting in union members faces and telling them they could take it outside when asked a simple question. The Joe Biden who said if your black and don't vote for him then you ain't black.

Or what about the Joe Biden who admitted he was mentored by democrat segregationists like Robert Byrd and James Eastland. Are you okay with that?

It sounds to me that you are simply choosing to ignore the behavior from Biden and the extreme left agenda that almost all democrats are trying to push.
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Insults now, nice. Good night.
I apologize for the insult. I was coming back to edit it out. But your logic is in need of some touch up in this matter. You cannot prove a negative but can prove a positive. That is taught very early in the course. You claim that no one is trying to destroy western civilization and back it with the evidence that you saw no such efforts while at UT. I claim that many academics are in fact trying to if not destroy, to at least severely hobble western civilization as expressed in its greatest achievements and AM able to find and transmit actual examples. Which is the more rigorous and defensible position?
I apologize for the insult. I was coming back to edit it out. But your logic is in need of some touch up in this matter. You cannot prove a negative but can prove a positive. That is taught very early in the course. You claim that no one is trying to destroy western civilization and back it with the evidence that you saw no such efforts while at UT. I claim that many academics are in fact trying to if not destroy, to at least severely hobble western civilization as expressed in its greatest achievements and AM able to find and transmit actual examples. Which is the more rigorous and defensible position?
No worries. I get what you are saying. Your position is the more rigorous and defensible. I don't have links to back up my anecdotal position. I'm just a slightly buzzed dude having a beer.
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Better a republican moron than communist
You actually think we are all too stupid to realize who you are? So you are aware no one is advocating for illegal immigrant strangers to sleep in their house next to their daughters. I know that was an argument you believed in. Literally the dumbest argument ever made on this board.

How big of POS do you have to be keep being forced to change screen names? God that has to be embarrassing as hell. It basically means you are a moron.
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You actually think we are all too stupid to realize who you are? So you are aware no one is advocating for strangers to sleep in their house next to their daughters. I know that was an argument you believed in.

How big of POS do you have to be keep being forced to change screen names? God that has to be embarrassing as hell. It basically means you are a moron.
Whoa, what did I miss? Yikes.
Trump wasn't a moron ... it was a made up lie because he wasn't a Democratic president.
Biden has been declared a certified moron by partisan voters for what he's done so far.

While I agree that Biden is a dumpster fire, Trump is absolutely a moron. Blaming the media for reporting on all of the low rent, dumbass sh*t trump has said and done is mind boggling.

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