Stop calling them Democrats & Libs

That you consider an adult to be someone who speaks like you but don't worry about adults actions. Trump was a petulant child but those others are actually evil people. But hey, they give a good speech right?

Biden is every bit the turd Trump was and will likely surpass him off actually given 4yrs. His WH is a clown car
I attribute many characteristics to adulthood - very few of which Trump ever exhibited.
I find Trump to be far more evil and turdish than all the rest.
He is soulless.
I attribute many characteristics to adulthood - very few of which Trump ever exhibited.
I find Trump to be far more evil and turdish than all the rest.
He is soulless.
Their decisions led to the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. What did Trump do that was worse than that?
Their decisions led to the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. What did Trump do that was worse than that?
Whose decisions? What decisions?
Everything has to be viewed in context.
You should be able to predict what I'm going to say.
Close your eyes and give it a shot.

On the Soul Continuum, Biden scores significantly higher than Trump.
"There is an open wound in the heart of the Cosmos. A wound that tears at the flesh of reality, drawing powerful and malign aberrations from an unknowable realm" This is as far as I got on my soul continuum search. Thanks for teaching Georgia children and not Tennesseans.
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"There is an open wound in the heart of the Cosmos. A wound that tears at the flesh of reality, drawing powerful and malign aberrations from an unknowable realm" This is as far as I got on my soul continuum search. Thanks for teaching Georgia children and not Tennesseans.
At least you got started. Baby steps; much like the climb out of the Trumpism abyss.
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I wouldn't go so far as to call it communistic, but there is definitely a leftist revolution taking place right now. They control academia. They control corporations. The younger generations are indoctrinated with leftist garbage.

It truly is a David vs Goliath situation right now. They want to turn us into China, and they're doing it slowly, one step at a time so that nobody notices.

I also fault conservatives or libertarians for not standing up to this garbage sooner. We might could have stopped it at an ideological level before it metastasized into what it is now. It will continue to metastasize until either America falls or we balkanize. People are waking up now, but it's too late. IMO, the train is the approaching the cliff and the brakes are on full blast but it can't stop in time to avoid the cliff. This is America right now.
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I also fault conservatives or libertarians for not standing up to this garbage sooner. We might could have stopped it at an ideological level before it metastasized into what it is now. It will continue to metastasize until either America falls or we balkanize. People are waking up now, but it's too late. IMO, the train is the approaching the cliff and the brakes are on full blast but it can't stop in time to avoid the cliff. This is America right now.
Not libertarians fault. You had Ron Paul sitting right there on two different election cycles and the GOP chose McCain and Mittens... who both lost to Obama, Now, these same clowns are expecting to get justice from the courts or congress.
She is trying to shift the narrative.

It’s like when Trump was suddenly racist after he won. He had dined with multiple leaders of the NCAAP for decades prior and was their friend but the minute he was elected the narrative became he was a racist and it stuck with many people.

If you can stick the progressives with the term communism then it is a hard blow as everything they do will be seen as a move towards communism. The average American has no idea what most of these terms truly mean but they do know communism is a scary buzz word.

The reality is our government wants to be totalitarian and control all aspects of our life. The 600 dollar bank exchange, the mileage tax, the mandate, the 700k penalty they hit each business with if they do not comply. These are all massive control grabs that lead to such a state.
Book burning fascists is probably a better description of them.
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Not libertarians fault. You had Ron Paul sitting right there on two different election cycles and the GOP chose McCain and Mittens... who both lost to Obama, Now, these same clowns are expecting to get justice from the courts or congress.
This is bigger than just one Presidential candidate (I have no doubt though that Ron Paul could have made a huge impact). In general, they should have been doing more community outreach, infiltrating academia and corporations just like what the left did. Odds are, things would be a lot different now. Imagine a world where liberty and freedom are en vogue, rather than the leftist authoritarianism we are seeing taking hold. Maybe all these COVID lockdowns and vaccine mandates would have never happened.
I've never said Joe is anything but a mindless puppet being rewarded for party service. I just don't find CO to be very compelling either. She's a speaker but not a thinker

What do you know about Candace Owens?

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