stop it.

Please find one post I've ever made that had me talking bad about players....Or one post saying the sky is falling and we need to fire Jones because we lost yesterday.....I'll wait.

I wasn't trying to single you out, & never once said YOU were the 1 that was calling for Coaches head or any of that, but *don't EVER* question if I'm a true fan or not just cause I was telling a story as to when I became a True fan & started Bleeding Orange...I REALLY don't (not that you give a crap) appreciate you putting me down for sharing a story from 27 years ago-that wasn't cool, but whatever, I'm a big girl, & not only can, but WILL handle it just fine!!! Have a good day, & GBO!!! ***VFL***
... oh yeah, Oregon AIN"T that good ya'll. They make all kinds of mistakes and played sloppy. It was totally possible to beat them. They are just INCREDIBLY DEEP. I don't think one duck broke a sweat all game.

If that's the case, then I'm afraid to know what that makes us right now. Oregon could have beaten us by 100 yesterday if they had chosen to. Mercifully, they chose to stop trying midway through the 3rd quarter.
... oh yeah, Oregon AIN"T that good ya'll. They make all kinds of mistakes and played sloppy. It was totally possible to beat them. They are just INCREDIBLY DEEP. I don't think one duck broke a sweat all game.

I thought you were done with Tennessee when Dooley left? Quit trolling.
I wasn't trying to single you out, & never once said YOU were the 1 that was calling for Coaches head or any of that, but *don't EVER* question if I'm a true fan or not just cause I was telling a story as to when I became a True fan & started Bleeding Orange...I REALLY don't (not that you give a crap) appreciate you putting me down for sharing a story from 27 years ago-that wasn't cool, but whatever, I'm a big girl, & not only can, but WILL handle it just fine!!! Have a good day, & GBO!!! ***VFL***

When did I question your fanhood or put you down?!? Good God.

You come here spewing about everyone being terrible fans, and Dooley was doing a good're gonna need to expect that everyone else might not agree with you.
I remember before the season started most Vols fans were predicting and hoping for 6-6, 7-5, or even 8-4 seasons. I think those were the most realistic and most common predictions.

So the Vols are now 2 - 1.

I am fairly new to this message board but I dont understand why people are jumping off the deep end.

Of those that would have predicted even the best case scenario for team 117 being 8-4. Was losses to the #1 and #2 team in the nation 2 of your 4 losses you predicted? I would have thought so.

I'm just confused of all the folks talking about the season being over 3 ganmes in. hmmm
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I think I remember *numerous* times in the last 2 seasons that all you Negavols said that it was the "worst team we've had in years"...there's a difference in playing a #2 team with a hell of a lot of depth, & playing a no name team like Austin Peay that my hometeam (who truly r a joke) played yesterday...We just don't have the depth right now like we will in the next 2 seasons or season we'll have an even better team, Coach juat needs to realize that worley ain't the QB we need on the field...Peterman looked good yesterday, sharp & good passes!!! Let's Go Big Orange... ***VFL***!!!

I get sick of people calling others negavols for being realist. I guess I'd have been a negavol for saying last week that Oregon would embarrass us by beating us 59-14 on national TV. People better get used to the beat downs cause it's going to happen. We have no experienced playmakers, a qb that wouldn't start for any SEC team, a running back line combo that can't consistently get yards. A D that can't cover, stop the run, or get a pass rush. Our special teams are anything but special and a coaching staff that is clearly learning on the job.

Does that mean I'm a negavol? I guess in some eyes it does. Am I ready to give up on CBJ? No. He may get it done but it will be a long, arduous and at sometimes painful process. I hope I'm wrong but I think we'll be soundly defeated in all our big conference games and split the rest. Will unfortunately miss a bowl for another year.
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When did I question your fanhood or put you down?!? Good God.

You come here spewing about everyone being terrible fans, and Dooley was doing a good're gonna need to expect that everyone else might not agree with you.

When did I ever say Dooley was doing a good job or was as good a Coach as Butch...NEVER said that all I have said is when your rebuilding an ENTIRE program cause your AD screwed u, u might wanna give him more than 3 years...otherwise your stuck in a vicious cycle (like we have been, & we are gonna continue to be stuck in) of hire & fire every 3 years or so...& to COMPLETELY & TOTALLY rebuild a program, u need time...I would HONESTLY hope that everybody didn't agree with me, but I do know that unless ur a Negavol, u *DO* agree with some of what I'm saying!!! But I'm really sick of u putting me down & being a *TOTAL* ass, so I'm done replying to ur ignorant comments...GO BIG ORANGE!!! ***VFL***!!!
Sorry bout the yelling the Negavols have me so freaking pissed off...I apologize...& the 1s that said it was easy to stop reading, u HAVE to be a Negavol!!! Without a doubt...but I do apologize for yelling so much, it just pisses me off that not only r there so many Negavols, but that they r already calling for Butchs head which is BS...give a Coach (who's a great Coach) a chance to turn a program around...Do y'all wanna keep doing the same thing over & over fir the next 10-15 years...hire a coach, then fire him cause u Negavols think he's not doing good enough??? Cause that's ALL we've done since Fulmer left...give somebody a chance & stop calling for somebodys head after 1 game...that's just BEYOND ridiculous!!! & again, I apologize for the yelling, like I said, the Negavols just have me so pissed off...if ur a fan, *DON'T* be a fair weather fan, bleed Orange & White (like u lie & say u do)...

Dude it was the sunshine pumpers that were trashing anyone last week that dare suggest Oregon was flat better than us; and the pumpers who started getting on the ledge and the "NegaVols" were telling them to calm down.
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I think I remember *numerous* times in the last 2 seasons that all you Negavols said that it was the "worst team we've had in years"...there's a difference in playing a #2 team with a hell of a lot of depth, & playing a no name team like Austin Peay that my hometeam (who truly r a joke) played yesterday...We just don't have the depth right now like we will in the next 2 seasons or season we'll have an even better team, Coach juat needs to realize that worley ain't the QB we need on the field...Peterman looked good yesterday, sharp & good passes!!! Let's Go Big Orange... ***VFL***!!!
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I remember before the season started most Vols fans were predicting and hoping for 6-6, 7-5, or even 8-4 seasons. I think those were the most realistic and most common predictions.

So the Vols are now 2 - 1.

I am fairly new to this message board but I dont understand why people are jumping off the deep end.

Of those that would have predicted even the best case scenario for team 117 being 8-4. Was losses to the #1 and #2 team in the nation 2 of your 4 losses you predicted? I would have thought so.

I'm just confused of all the folks talking about the season being over 3 ganmes in. hmmm

What's sad, is that's truthfully all I've been trying to say ALL freaking day, but everybody decides to pick on me & put me down!!! U said ur new to the board I'm new under this name, but been here for years, but that's just the Negavols saying that BS!!! That's all that is...Its ur "true" (LMAO) fans saying the season is already over cause we lost to #2 in the Nation...that's just part of this board-sadly & even more unfortunately there's always Negavols...they think its still 1998 & we're ALWAYS supposed to be undefeated, but then cause Fulmer had 1 not so great season they wanted him gone!!! Wonder where we'd be if the idiotic (thank god EX AD) hadn't given into & listened to the Negavols, not to mention been a Negavol himself...but that's over & done with, we're on the right track with Coach Butch these Negavols just need to remember if they DON'T wanna get stuck in the vicious vicious cycle we've been in for years, & will continue to be stuck in with the hiring & firing CRAP every 3 years or takes longer than that to *completely & entirely* rebuild a *complete* football program!!! But with the recruiting class we have for 2014 (think they've said its #3 in the nation), we're doing awesome & the Coaches are doing wonderful to get us where we need to be, & should be going!!! Thank you for wording things the way I've been trying all day-@ least people (hopefully) won't put you down the way they have been with me ALL DAY LONG!!! GO BIG ORANGE!!! ***VFL***!!!
... oh yeah, Oregon AIN"T that good ya'll. They make all kinds of mistakes and played sloppy. It was totally possible to beat them. They are just INCREDIBLY DEEP. I don't think one duck broke a sweat all game.

You had me before you said "Oregon AIN'T that good ya'll." They just dominated us by 7 touchdowns... and only cause they pulled their starters early. It was NOT totally possible to beat them.
If this season goes up in flames and we manage to go 3-9 it will be the worst ever! I say if that happens then Butch will get one more chance to turn it around and win bout 8 games and if not then he wasn't the right man. The program can't go 5 or 6 yrs to see if Butch was the right hire. These next couple seasons will tell the story if he can take us back to the top but it's going to tough rocky thorny and steep. But if we did go 3-9 this yr and then go 7-6 next yr would Butch get a 3rd yr??
Someone needs to take a midol, have a nice hot bath, put on your fuzzy robe and take a nap.
I'm VERY proud of what Coach has done with recruiting for next season, but I personally (which I know my opinion means & counts for nothing) think some recruits were turned off by the Negavols the last season or 2 before Butch got here!!! I'm proud & extremely excited for what Butch & the other Coaches have done in regards to the awesome recruting class if 2014!!! ***GO BIG ORANGE***!!! ***VFL***!!!

So, the prior coach had almost no interest in recruiting, had losing records, won exactly zero notable games, but it's the fans' fault recruits didn't come here.

please, explain that to me
So, the prior coach had almost no interest in recruiting, had losing records, won exactly zero notable games, but it's the fans' fault recruits didn't come here.

please, explain that to me

The Negavols that do nothing but talk crap...I remember last season when a few people said so y'all REALLY think that recruits & our players & Coaches look @ this website??? Well honestly, yes,& my husband & dad feel the same way...they *DO* check this website, if you were a player wouldn't you want to know what your fans, & so called fans were saying about you & the way you had, or were playing??? If you were a recruit,& the so called fans of "your team" or the team you were going to were being so damn negative bout everything ALL the time, why in the hell woukd anybody wanna come play @ Neyland??? You HAVE to give Coaches more than a season or 2 or like I've said ALL day, & forva couple season, your stuck in a vicious vicious cycle of hiring & firing every 3 seasons or so, u havevto give Coaches more time, especially when they r rebuilding an entire program AGAIN!!!
The Negavols that do nothing but talk crap...I remember last season when a few people said so y'all REALLY think that recruits & our players & Coaches look @ this website??? Well honestly, yes,& my husband & dad feel the same way...they *DO* check this website, if you were a player wouldn't you want to know what your fans, & so called fans were saying about you & the way you had, or were playing??? If you were a recruit,& the so called fans of "your team" or the team you were going to were being so damn negative bout everything ALL the time, why in the hell woukd anybody wanna come play @ Neyland??? You HAVE to give Coaches more than a season or 2 or like I've said ALL day, & forva couple season, your stuck in a vicious vicious cycle of hiring & firing every 3 seasons or so, u havevto give Coaches more time, especially when they r rebuilding an entire program AGAIN!!!



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The Negavols that do nothing but talk crap...I remember last season when a few people said so y'all REALLY think that recruits & our players & Coaches look @ this website??? Well honestly, yes,& my husband & dad feel the same way...they *DO* check this website, if you were a player wouldn't you want to know what your fans, & so called fans were saying about you & the way you had, or were playing??? If you were a recruit,& the so called fans of "your team" or the team you were going to were being so damn negative bout everything ALL the time, why in the hell woukd anybody wanna come play @ Neyland??? You HAVE to give Coaches more than a season or 2 or like I've said ALL day, & forva couple season, your stuck in a vicious vicious cycle of hiring & firing every 3 seasons or so, u havevto give Coaches more time, especially when they r rebuilding an entire program AGAIN!!!

If they are concerned about people on a message board, our problems are worse than I thought. I would be more embarrassed at the beat down I took last Saturday. I mean I'm certainly embarrassed for them.

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