Student section

Student section was weak last night. Sparsely populated. Can't we come up with anything more creative than the ancient, tired, reading-the-newspaper-and-yelling-"sucks!"-after-each-opposing-starter-gets-announced ploy?
If I were a recruit, I wouldn't want to play in front of the 42 students that showed up to the game. Seriously, we b&-$: and moan about recruits yet fans can't get their butts in the seats. Vol "fans" make me sick.

You talking about last night? There were a pretty good amount of students there all things considered. You must be talking about the pit, but there was a good amount in the other part of the student section
The problem with our student section is where its located in the arena...its waaaaaaay too off the court! Look at Michigan States Izzone, Cameron Crazies, etc...I bet every UT student would show up if the section was that intimate and close to the action. Wrap the student section to the other side of the endzone. UT needs to start making it a point to make our student section stand out on a national scale. jmho
Sorry dude, I lost sight of the point of this thread. But yeah, your first post just made it seem like you were being super critical of the students and did not know what you're talking about.

Point is that the students do their part. They are the only group that can say that. Every other section is terrible. The people (alumni, I think) that have courtside seats all leave before halftime for circle jerks and popcorn, and don't return until 5 minutes into the second half.

It's not the students' fault, so don't blame them.

students are quiet. they are not that great of a student section.
Wasn't any camping out, but even in the Green era students were better than they are now.

My freshman year was the last year of Buzz Ball. I would show up about 10 minutes before tip and sit in the first 5 rows for just about any game. It was bad.
So now it's the students' faults that the team loses games!!:rolleyes:
Put the blame where it belongs, genius - on Bonzo, Skyler McBrick, Jarnell Jokes, Kenny Small, etc.
So now it's the students' faults that the team loses games!!:rolleyes:
Put the blame where it belongs, genius - on Bonzo, Skyler McBrick, Jarnell Jokes, Kenny Small, etc.

Grow a pair and call them those names to their faces. Since you act like an elementary schooler, I'll speak in terminology you'll understand: I triple dog dare you. See how dumb that childish speak sounds?

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