Suggestions for freak

Random thought:
I wonder how much faster Freak would get everything squared away if people glanced to see if their question had already been asked?
I wonder if anyone has mentioned they have missing likes🤔😂
You’ll get the likes back. Lol.

I honestly never knew those meant so much around here. I’ve answered this question more than any other by a factor of 20 on here and by email. Lol.

Good, cause I'm not sure if I could live without them. Lol. I'm picking of course. I think it goes to show your credibility on here a tad is all.
It does matter!! Gah!

The reason it's so awesome is cause it makes having a conversation so much easier.

Freak has to make this work.
I've been honest (maybe to a fault, sorry guys) about my pros and cons. I wanted this one.

Keep trying everything. Clearing the cache, turning all the preferences off and then back on, I gots nuttin. 🤕
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I've been honest (maybe to a fault, sorry guys) about my pros and cons. I wanted this one.

Keep trying everything. Clearing the cache, turning all the preferences off and then back on, I gots nuttin. 🤕
Yea I did all that too.


My ocd is wondering if @Souce has "@Behr you suck" somewhere and I don't know it so he thinks I'm skurt. Well I ain't sowce, I just don't get tags!!
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Last mention in my alerts list was Saturday at 10:52 PM. Doing a search on posts I found a mention of me that didn't register on Monday at 1:27 PM. Probably something changed in between there. Can anyone help pin it down further?
This is kinda old and refers to an older version of the software but may be applicable?

There can be various reasons why alerts for mentions aren't received. If someone is watching a thread, they won't receive a mention alert as the new reply alert 'overrides' this. If someone is quoted and tagged, they'll get an alert for the quote and not the tag. If a post is edited and a tag is added afterwards, no alert will be sent. If someone tags say 10 people and the user group tagging permission is set to say 5, then only 5 people will get the tag alerts.
I noticed something, not a problem, just pointing it out. When you block someone you can still see when they like something. So they don't become completely invisible.
I noticed something, not a problem, just pointing it out. When you block someone you can still see when they like something. So they don't become completely invisible.
That doesn’t bother me. Long as I don’t have to read their same ol’ same ol’.

(I don’t ignore people who have a wide variety of craziness. Only those whose needles are stuck in the same worn-out groove)
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