Sunshine Protection Act

$400 Billion at least for people to buy new alarm clocks and computers. I remember the good ole days of Y2K, we had to certify every F'n thing in our plant down to door remote controls, it cost a fortune.

We made a pretty penny off the 'ol .gov in the run up to y2k.
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You jest but I'll bet this bill has a hefty price tag attached. They'll have to have PSAs, govt employee training, counseling, lawsuits ext. I bet it will cost upwards of 10 mil.
That's the gov't for you. I hear the Navy has a 10 page manual on how to clean and operate a paper clip.
Perhaps someone should explain to Kyrsten Sinema that her home state of Arizona doesn't follow Daylight Savings Time, so her excitement is misplaced.
I have a buddy in Chandler and I never know what time it is out there. I have to look it up.

I'm sure her excitement is stemming from never having to answer that again.
I have a buddy in Chandler and I never know what time it is out there. I have to look it up.

I'm sure her excitement is stemming from never having to answer that again.
We're always the same time out here. The rest of you kooks are the problem. :)

To keep it really fun, though, the Navajo Nation, which has Window Rock, AZ (in northeast Arizona) as its capital, DOES follow Daylight Savings Time.
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We're always the same time out here. The rest of you kooks are the problem. :)

To keep it really fun, though, the Navajo Nation, which has Window Rock, AZ (in northeast Arizona) as its capital, DOES follow Daylight Savings Time.

I remember when some counties in IN did DST and some didn't, that got confusing as hell.
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I remember when some counties in IN did DST and some didn't, that got confusing as hell.
Honestly, though, it's not confusing in AZ. Nobody just drives through Window Rock on a whim. It's in the middle of nowhere.
You jest but I'll bet this bill has a hefty price tag attached. They'll have to have PSAs, govt employee training, counseling, lawsuits ext. I bet it will cost upwards of 10 mil.
Lol ok. Counseling? Even if so, 10mm would be a drop in the bucket compared to benefits for years to come.

Probably good for economies nationwide. People tend to go out and stay out later when it's still daylight.

Notoriously good for mental health too.
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So you're against clocks being able to self-identify their own time?
Verizon sets the time on my phone. Somehow my laptop sets it's own time. That's all good.
I'm against the government telling Verizon to set my phone to 12:00 when the sun says it's 11:00.
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