Sunshine Protection Act

Won’t it?

But all those lights on hours early in the winter for people who have to get up for work and kids gong to school while the sun is still sleeping. This should be shot down as an environmental screwup. I'm fine with eliminating the time switch, but the clowns zapped the wrong one. Go with standard time year round.
I'd rather stay on standard time, but pretending like this was a huge time waster is the typical BS I'd expect from you. It was adopted by unanimous consent. I doubt any of them spent any time on it at all. Do you know if there were significant committee hearings that took up time for relevant issues? Or do you just want complain?
Didn’t this happen in the 70s and then people complained about child safety so it was changed back?
It was unanimous consent, but you already knew that because you're a Smart Guy.
LOL. Like that matters to the Dems.

Take our president whose only claim to fame in Washington, which he bragged about constantly, was the crime bill until it was pointed out how it disproportionately incarcerated minorities. POOF, no more talk about the crime bill.
LOL. Like that matters to the Dems.

Take our president whose only claim to fame in Washington, which he bragged about constantly, was the crime bill until it was pointed out how it disproportionately incarcerated minorities. POOF, no more talk about the crime bill.

Cool story bro.
I don't care what it cost, I'm 100% for making daylight savings time standard time.
Then it is no longer “standard”. Standard refers to having the clocks match the suns position as closely as possible. Any artificial shifting of the clocks beyond that makes the time no longer “standard”.
In the early days of the railroad, every station was responsible for setting its own local “noon“ based on when the sun crossed the local meridian. Of course, for cities only a few dozen miles apart, it soon became apparent that „noon“ would differ by a few minutes leading the the possibility of train collisions on a shared schedule
So the solution eventually was to divide the world into 24 slices known as time zones. Each of the 24 zones would hypothetically have its noon set for the mean solar crossing time for the meridian at the center of the zone, meaning that each time zone was exactly plus or minus a whole number of hours from the Prime meridian at the Royal observatory in Greenwich England.
That is the historical and astronomical basis of civil timekeeping for the past 150 years; logical, understandable, and mathematically sound.
Leave it to government to start messing up a scientifically based system by pretending that you can somehow „create more daylight“ as if the rotation of the earth and its orbit around the sun were somehow subject to the whims of bureaucrats.
There is a reason we tell time the way we do, and Congress has no business trying to „fix“ something they obviously do not understand than a five year old disassembling and trying to „fix“ my car‘s transmission 😡
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Didn’t this happen in the 70s and then people complained about child safety so it was changed back?
Yes indeed, in 1974. Children waiting for the schoolbus in December started getting hit and killed by cars since the sun didn’t rise until after 9am in Northern states.
Get ready for a repeat.
You cannot „create“ more daylight any more than I can decide to create a new planet. If you want to pay Paul daylight, you have to rob it from Peter
I like daylight savings time, more daylight when I get home from work to do yard work so I can play more golf on the weekends. Oh and more golf on weekdays also
Then simply get up an hour early every day and leave the rest of our clocks alone.
Because that is all DST is, getting up an hour early because the government tells us to.
$400 Billion at least for people to buy new alarm clocks and computers. I remember the good ole days of Y2K, we had to certify every F'n thing in our plant down to door remote controls, it cost a fortune.

I hope this post is supposed to be blue font
I hope this post is supposed to be blue font
I work in IT and the two time changes are not always easy things to handle. Once a year, there is a one hour gap in system logs (the hour from 0200 to 0300 simply doesn’t exist). And the other time, the hour between 0200 and 0300 occurs twice. You want to try and do the math on Time durations on those 2 days???????
I work in IT and the two time changes are not always easy things to handle. Once a year, there is a one hour gap in system logs (the hour from 0200 to 0300 simply doesn’t exist). And the other time, the hour between 0200 and 0300 occurs twice. You want to try and do the math on Time durations on those 2 days???????

So with no change that would eliminate that problem, right?
That doesn't leave more time for golf in the evening.
Yes it does, the sunlit portion of the day is exactly as long as it would have been otherwise. Do you really think that the duration of the sunlit part of the day was one hour longer Sunday then it was Saturday? Did the earth suddenly decide to slow its rotation once the sun came up Sunday?
I work in IT and the two time changes are not always easy things to handle. Once a year, there is a one hour gap in system logs (the hour from 0200 to 0300 simply doesn’t exist). And the other time, the hour between 0200 and 0300 occurs twice. You want to try and do the math on Time durations on those 2 days???????

Why wouldn’t it be right one way or the other?
Why wouldn’t it be right one way or the other?
It would be. That’s why we need to eliminate the time change REGARDLESS of whatever settle on. I am just saying we shouldn’t replace a REALLY stupid system with a LESS STUPID fix when we could just go ahead and implement the correct fix
I had a similar thought when I first read this story.

I would actually say that has some merit. You think about "peak hours" with an electrical grid and how much a later setting sun might help.

Don't give AOC any ideas though. She'd **** it up.

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