
Getting down to it.

Lets see I beleive that that was horseman #2. (Death).
I can envision demons getting on the kill Lucifer bandwagon. Also the colt was semi-effective. Wonder if a different ammo would help?

2 things.

Best show this year. No more new shows till Jan 21th.
Best episode of the season so far. says alot when the mid season cliffhanger is stronger than most shows season finales. First off, the actor playing Lucifer is doing one hell of a job , yet it keeps reminding me of his messiah-like role in Lost. Great buildup to till the "Death" reveal. Sam seems blended in the woodwork in the scenes sometimes even though he is part of the main storyline right now.
Nice sendoff for Jo and Ellen.
Castiel is a great addition as a regular this year as well, the demons had taken a backdrop for a while now, but looks like some might be changing sides and allies in strange places.
see ya in January.
Ughh...I missed this one. I always have it set to record but for whatever reason it didn't this week. I guess I will have to try to check for it online and watch it there tomorrow or something. I wasn't even going to watch it since it didn't record but I'm going to have to now since you guys said it was the best show of the season...
It's always fun to rewatch good episodes after you let it sink in for a few weeks.

I do that with Lost every year because of the 8 month hiatus its good to refresh the memory.
Attention Possible spoilers.

INFO: Source

Supernatural (The CW), season five resumes on Thursday, Jan. 21, at 9 p.m.

Congrats to Supernatural, the People's Choice Award winner for Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show. So, what's coming up on Supernatural? How about Cupid, the brothers in a mental institution (why did that take so long?) and the hot angel chick, Anna (Julie McNiven), returns. We also read a rumor that Sam and Dean end up in heaven ... after their murders. Somehow that makes perfect sense.

Looking forward to this..........
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OK, I caught part of an episode of this thing the other night, and while I wasn't completely sure of what was going on, I did find myself interested. I'm gonna get the first season and try to figure out what it is about, mainly on the strength of this thread, so if sucks, I expect all of you to pony up the $20.49 plus shipping.
Fair enough. Be patient during the first half of season 1, it takes a little while before it gets it's legs and starts building some momentum.
I've watched it a couple of times...One episode was especially creepy to me. There was a girl living under a house and she kidnapped a boy. It was terrifying. :scare:

New episode tonight.

Looks like another great premise for a episode given this shows aptitude for mixing it up with greats episodic elements.......
Another solid episode last night. The title should have been getting crazy at a crazy farm. That was a close one for sam and dean. Hey, but aren't they all........
Thank God one of my shows is finally back. Sems like every new episode has a new actor that played on Lost, last night we had Ben's dad.

Best line of the night.

I went to the movies this past weekend (Legion) and the whole time I was there I kept on thinking I have seen this before. It was of course that the movie was basically reminding me that there was a plot relationship with Supernatural. Human possession by Angles, Arc Angles going at it, God laying back and letting it play out. (well in this case he started it) and at the heart of it the goods guys trying to save the day (baby) before and after the birth.

I came to realize that Supernatural would make a hell of a good Ideal for a feature film.:good!:
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Interesting food for thought for tonight's episode, in showing us different and unique ways Lucifer could find in possessing Sam. Glad to see some demons back as well i kinda missed them.
Interesting food for thought for tonight's episode, in showing us different and unique ways Lucifer could find in possessing Sam. Glad to see some demons back as well i kinda missed them.

OK, so I'm confused. Is this show about some sort of biblical super-feud or sasquatch meeting Paul Bunyon?

I thought it was the first; when I said I would buy it, I was counting on the first. But I'm afraid it is the second.
Arc Angle Michael telling dean that Freewill is an illusion. That the master's plan would always lead to the same place. Seems to be totally different than what God has been showing and allowing dean and sam to do, going their own way, doing it there way. I think the plot just got thicker.
OK, so I'm confused. Is this show about some sort of biblical super-feud or sasquatch meeting Paul Bunyon?

I thought it was the first; when I said I would buy it, I was counting on the first. But I'm afraid it is the second.
Sasquatch and Paul Bunyon?

Are you sure you are watching this show or are mistakenly watching the Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom reality show?

If you have jumped into this season without watching from the beginning i would suggest starting at the beginning. The storyline is separate from where they started to begin with unlike Lost, but it does make the current storyline easier to digest.
Are you sure you are watching this show or are mistakenly watching the Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom reality show?

I haven't watched the show at all; I was considering buying past seasons. I've seen about 15 minutes of one episode, and it was interesting. When I did a little research, though, there are all sorts of references to Windigo's and an escaped mental patient with a hook and a serial killer clown.

So I don't know what to make of it. Is this a battle between angels and demons, or is it silliness over urban legends?

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