SweetAsSoda GoFundMe

The photos of Sweet with her family in the video were the most poignant, of course. But I really almost lost it when I saw our "Captain of the Cheerleaders" in her uniform at the top of the pyramid. The photo they picked for the cover is so beautiful.
And if you have not seen it, there is a video slideshow the family has done. Very touching tribute to her.

Thank you for sharing. So many different emotions watching that. So heartbreaking and frustrating...God's plans are hard to accept sometimes.
About a year and a half ago I was at the lowest point in my life. My wife had lost a very good job due to COVID and the economy. I had taken a second job that just wasn't getting it done. Our dreams of running a rescue were coming down around us. My chest was heavy, I felt like I was dying. I was just hanging on, I posted my testament when I told God I surrender. I can't do it, please take control.

SAS and a few other kind souls suggested I start a go fund me. I was reluctant but I was in no position to be proud. The generosity and encouragement she and others offered kept us going. We've had to scale back our rescue efforts. We don't take in any new animals, we just care for the commitments we've already made. We are just treading water and keeping our farm afloat.

I've got no money to offer but can only offer my testament to the kind of person she was/is. If you can give anything please do. She was a special person. I will never forget her kindness when I had all but given up, her generosity and the generosity of others sustained us and gave us hope when we were drowning!

Rest in glory SAS!
I’m sorry I missed your GFM. 😥. Anyway how can I help? Kindness sometimes is the most appreciated and is sometimes gets lost. Anyway, again, can I help? Just post the fund again. And I want it in her honor and the great work you and your family does. I’m sorry I missed it because I know you and your family are struggling.

Is there any way we can spread the word of this through more forums? I know SAS was mostly a RF regular, but maybe posters in other forums will find it in their hearts to help the family of a fallen Volunteer?
I let the Zone know, I think a couple of posters there donated. I think she’s posted mostly here, and other forums aren’t familiar with her, except us.
And if you have not seen it, there is a video slideshow the family has done. Very touching tribute to her.

I'm in legitimate tears after watching this. It's weird how you can tell so much about a person without ever meeting them.

Will miss you a lot @SweetasSoda
Vid was a hard and beautiful thing to watch
We all hash out the Vols mixed with our daily lives on here
I need to remember there is a human being behind those avatars
Sweet reminds me that a kind word can go a long way in this life

Thy word I have hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee
I'm in legitimate tears after watching this. It's weird how you can tell so much about a person without ever meeting them.

Will miss you a lot @SweetasSoda
Looking at the video you feel the theme of her life was just pure love. Love is God’s greatest wish for each of us. She and her family were truly blessed people. RIP and tell Jesus you prefer the crown that is PMS151. As a VOLUNTEER he will surely understand.
And if you have not seen it, there is a video slideshow the family has done. Very touching tribute to her.

I watched it and couldn’t hold it together. What a special lady. I only knew her on VN, but she touched so many people in her life. She will be missed.
Just got around to watching the video. Man....that was tough but also beautiful at the same time. Looks like she had a lot of people that loved and cared for her greatly. We never know when our last day on Earth is going to be nor do we know when our loved ones last day is gonna be. One thing that video made me realize is that whether it be when you pass away or one of your loved ones does...the only thing left is gonna be pictures and memories. So, while we live out whatever time we have here make damn sure to take lots of pictures and make as many memories as you possibly can.
Received an email (via GFM) from her daughter expressing how much SAS loved the Vols and VN. They are humbled at the outpouring of love and support shown to SAS and her family. They are truly appreciative of our donations and I would encourage everyone to donate if you are able.
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Vid was a hard and beautiful thing to watch
We all hash out the Vols mixed with our daily lives on here
I need to remember there is a human being behind those avatars
Sweet reminds me that a kind word can go a long way in this life

Thy word I have hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee

Yep, the reason I was absent from the RF for a few weeks was I noticed most of my posts were snarky retorts to some troll!

Going to make an all out effort to only be positive in honor of SAS!
Yep, the reason I was absent from the RF for a few weeks was I noticed most of my posts were snarky retorts to some troll!

Going to make an all out effort to only be positive in honor of SAS!
Don’t be too hard on yourself. We’re human and we react when someone attacks us.

Just put them on ignore. And then even when they troll you just report them, because the ignore feature isn’t 100 percent full proof.

But seeing this thread and the many real people that were positively affected by her does make you sit still. It makes you realize how much of a waste of time it is to write up a venomous reply.
It’s just not worth it… right or wrong we just need to appreciate our limited time

We don’t know how much time we have left on Earth. I often found myself at odds with SAS, but I never wished her any ill. And really she just had a huge love for Vol Football.

And seeing that video made me tear up, and made me regret some of the things we said to each other. Thankfully many more people were on her good side and were enhanced by knowing her❤️

God rest her soul, and …if I’m being honest I’m kind of happy for anyone that doesn’t have to experience what we’re all worried about in the world in these next 18 months. So much evil in the world right now…you can feel it.

May her family find closure and peace in knowing that she will suffer no more ❤️


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