"Swing for the Fence" Coaching Search

As long as we're speculating out of our collective sphincters, why not go after Mike Holmgren? He's done in Seattle after this year.

No I am not serious with this.

God, the intensity that guy would bring to the sideline. They have to at least make an effort to get him hear.

Once upon a time, he did actually say that UT would be the perfect place to come back to, but that was like 5 years ago. So, I hope he hasn't changed his mind
I agree with that, although I would have phrased it a bit differently. You don't dismiss a coach who oversaw arguably the most successful period in UT history to hire someone you hope will make it. You go get a big name that makes a big splash, and you pay him what it will take to get him.

I have said before that if I were making the decision, my first call would be to Butch Davis. I think he qualifies as that big hire, and I think he is much more likely to be lured to Knoxville from UNC than Stoops from OU, Carroll from LA, or Gruden from the NFL.

Although I'm not a huge Butch Davis fan, I agree with everything else you said completely.

If we're going to ditch Fulmer this year, then it has to be done right. I don't want a Ron Zook hire like UF did when Spurrier left- little known, unproven or untested at the top level, who has turned out to be a decent coach after he was fired.

As much as anyone hates to admit it, the next coach at UT will have some huge shoes to fill, and will be one of the most watched coaches in the nation.

I want someone who has proven that they can handle that type of pressure. They have to be able not only to improve upon the final years of the Fulmer regime, but match his peak years.
Out of curiosity, are any of the names being tossed around "Master QB Developers?" That would be an great quality for an incoming UT coach to possess.
Listening to John and Josh on WNML, I borrowed the above quote. Their point was that we should go full-force for a very big name and proven winner, offering money that would make even the Bama faithful shudder. Alabama did the opposite, starting with some sexy, hot-hands, and pushing a huge sum of money at Saban after the early candidates fell through.

Numbers I heard: "$6-7 million"
Names: "Carroll, Stoops, Gruden"

I'm not sure how the economy comes into play. What I do know is Peterson article in Tennessean Sunday was talking about the 17 mil across the state the combined colleges would have to cut from budget. I know the money is earmarked differently at UT Knoxville program but did notice the president at MTSU say it wouldn't effect their scholarships.I just can't imagine it not having some kind of impact on buying out Fulmer and offering a top dollar to a new coach especially with the over all attendance to UT games this year and Hamilton initially projecting a 10% increase in total gross in football this year. I may be totally wrong and or misinformed but just curious I suppose.
I am not convinced Gruden would be a smart hire, especially for that kind of money. The biggest job he had in college before going to the NFL was wide-receivers coach at Pittsburgh University. Can the guy recruit? We really don't know. His dad set him up with an interview with Mike Holmgren which landed him the job as a quality control coach in the NFL. He did have some good years at Oakland and won a Super Bowl at Tampa Bay his very first season. Of course Warren Sapp attributed Gruden's win primarily to the defense that coach Tony Dungy and defensive coordinator Monte Kiffin had created during Dungy's tenure with the Bucs. I figured Sapp was just mad about Dungy's firing. However, here is what Gruden has done at Tampa Bay since.... 2003: 7-9, 2004: 5-11, 2005: 11-5, 2006: 4-12, 2007: 9-7. Most years aren't bad, but he did have a couple not so great.

I am not knocking him, I am just not sure he has proved he is worth $6 million a year at the collegiate level. He could be a great coach, even better than Saban, I am just not convinced. If I knew he was a great recruiter, I would feel pretty confident. From what I have heard, he is a good disciplinarian and doesn't put up with any crap. That part I like.
Say what you will about Knoxville, but a lot of people with plenty of money apparently think that East Tennessee is a fine place to live. Check out the newest mountain and lake communities in the area if you need evidence.


they may laugh at $5-7mil and knoxville, or they may not.

i grew up in the knoxville area.
RE the pink elephants: Keep in mind that, after a long period of being way down, and after at least three not exactly star-quality coaches who did not work out after short stints, they were desperate to get it right. That's why they ponied up monster money--silly money for saban.

RE Stoops: He's in a conference that's a lot weaker than then SEC. Yea, oklahoma state and texas tech are making noise this year, but they are abberations. The big 12 has always been texas and oklahoma, period. The SEC*is much stronger.
Although I'm not a huge Butch Davis fan, I agree with everything else you said completely.

If we're going to ditch Fulmer this year, then it has to be done right. I don't want a Ron Zook hire like UF did when Spurrier left- little known, unproven or untested at the top level, who has turned out to be a decent coach after he was fired.

As much as anyone hates to admit it, the next coach at UT will have some huge shoes to fill, and will be one of the most watched coaches in the nation.

I want someone who has proven that they can handle that type of pressure. They have to be able not only to improve upon the final years of the Fulmer regime, but match his peak years.

Fulmer has been wearing size four ladies pumps for a few years. He and Bowden are both extremely overrated coaches.
A coach making $5-$7 mil in Knoxville can live like a king! Go after Bill Cowher---he may be tired of the NFL and want to live in nice area, instead of the depressed steel country of pennsylvania.
RE Stoops: He's in a conference that's a lot weaker than then SEC. Yea, oklahoma state and texas tech are making noise this year, but they are abberations. The big 12 has always been texas and oklahoma, period. The SEC*is much stronger.

exactly...so why leave? he has an excellent recruiting base and a manageable route to the BCS every single year...

and just LOL @ Jon Gruden.

they may laugh at $5-7mil and knoxville, or they may not.

i grew up in the knoxville area.

Sorry; that was worded poorly. I was using "you" in general terms, more to mean "a person."
The whole situation is getting Favresque. 16 year legend needs to gracefully bow out, organization needs to handle with care so they don't lose half the fan base. Buy out negotiations, maybe stick around in some capacity. Of course, Mike Hamilton and The Boys will have to spend that kind of money because they can't risk firing a guy who has won 3/4th of his games and waiting 3 years to get a return on the investment. The next HC going .500 next year is not gonna put rears in the seats. With all the upgrading MH has been doing, please...Pete Carroll, Gruden etc...they are all on the table from UT's side of the fence. We have great facilities, great tradition and the #1 recruiting budget in the land. Sure they can pass, but we can't afford to not ask.
The whole situation is getting Favresque. 16 year legend needs to gracefully bow out, organization needs to handle with care so they don't lose half the fan base. Buy out negotiations, maybe stick around in some capacity. Of course, Mike Hamilton and The Boys will have to spend that kind of money because they can't risk firing a guy who has won 3/4th of his games and waiting 3 years to get a return on the investment. The next HC going .500 next year is not gonna put rears in the seats. With all the upgrading MH has been doing, please...Pete Carroll, Gruden etc...they are all on the table from UT's side of the fence. We have great facilities, great tradition and the #1 recruiting budget in the land. Sure they can pass, but we can't afford to not ask.
Good post, i agree 100%
Listening to John and Josh on WNML, I borrowed the above quote. Their point was that we should go full-force for a very big name and proven winner, offering money that would make even the Bama faithful shudder. Alabama did the opposite, starting with some sexy, hot-hands, and pushing a huge sum of money at Saban after the early candidates fell through.

Numbers I heard: "$6-7 million"
Names: "Carroll, Stoops, Gruden"


Carroll is smart enough to know the difference between recruiting at USC... within 50 miles of four or five times as much talent as there is in the whole state of TN... and recruiting at UT. He also knows he benefits from being the big fish in a small pond.

Stoops has no reason to move. OU would match anything UT offered... even if he came, he'd simply be avg in the SEC.

Gruden might need recruiting help but would definitely be a trump card on the SEC for coaching talent.
My 1st cousin is an employee of the athletic department at Alabama. I know all of you will scoff at this since it is my first post but I know for a fact that some of the names that the media were given for possible Alabama coaches were all just a smoke screen. When ESPN was reporting that so and so had turned down Alabama, my cousin was calling me and laughing the whole time. Even the Rich Rodriguez thing was a hoax. They targeted Saban and Saban only from the get go. WE CAN DO THAT TOO!!!!! We should use this as a pattern and not screw around...........GET SOMEBODY THAT WILL SHOCK THE WORLD!!!!!
We MUST pony up and pay the big bucks. Saban is NOT the highest paid coach in college football. Bob Stoops, Pete Carroll, Charlie Weiss, and Les Miles all make more per year than Saban. We have similar budgets to all of those schools and CAN affort it.
I have been a UT fan my entire life. I graduated from there and competed in athletics. MONEY is not a problem and paying a coach is not either. While I keep reading that we need to pay "Saban" money it makes me wonder if you all know what's going on in college football. SABAN is NOT the highest paid coach, not even in the top 4. Bob Stoops, Pete Carroll, Charlie Weiss, and Les Miles make more per year than Saban. WE CAN AFFORD TO BE IN THE BALLPARK WITH THESE GUYS.............

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