Tankers Attacked In Gulf: Price of Oil Up

Yes...Bolton orchestrated this event for the US to become entangled in another complex ME military campaign. SMH.

If anybody in our goverment had a hand in it, he'd be the first on the list. But the list is pretty long of nations having a motive.
If Afghanistan didn't f*** up one of best friends from HS, he'd likely be my BIL right now. He's too damaged and things didn't work out with my sister. Pretty sad.

Yep. One of my best buds will never walk again. He was a radio operator in Afghanistan.
So what happens next? No way this goes without some sort of military action.
Pretty sure this stuff happens a good bit. Unless they find "from Allah and Iran" on these shells there isnt anything to tie them.

Not sure why we would care. Not our ships, crew, or crude.
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The world is more woke than it was after 911.. I believe the old Warhawks don't realize this, though. Shock and awe and Lee Greenwood won't be enough this time.

Nice try... not our ships not our crude. Liberals are the only ones talking about war.
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It doesn't have to be an engagement nearly that bad to be completely undesirable. We're $22T in debt. One soldier's death is too many. One death from future blowback is too many.

Once again, there are no conservatives talking about retaliation or war.
Since when did you care how “our” money is spent.
Coming from the guy who advocates our govt giving free sh!t to illegals is rich coming from you.

He's a libertarian you dolt. This is literally the dumbest possible statement you could make to him and that's saying something, given I'm talking to you.
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Are you guys this clueless? I've never advocated giving illegals free stuff. Show me where I've ever done that? My record of opinions on government spending is as consistent as anyone on this board. Y'all are the hypocrites who change their tune on debt every 8 years.

I'm pretty certain these types see the world as black and white, with us or against us. You ain't with them, therefore you are a AOC teat sucking progressive libtard. There are no other paths to rational thought for these clowns.
I'm pretty certain these types see the world as black and white, with us or against us. You ain't with them, therefore you are a AOC teat sucking progressive libtard. There are no other paths to rational thought for these clowns.
No, he is an Obama nutsack swinger. You are the AOC teat sucking progressive libtard.

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