Target Closing 9 Stores Due to Retail Theft

I really hope this is supposed to be blue font
Quite serious. People have turned to crime because they deem it a better opportunity than regular work. The same is true of drug dealing and other illicit professions. When it's harder to make living the right way, people turn more to the alternatives as we're seeing.
I think corporal punishment in public should be established. It's cheap and quick. Looters can be given 10 lashes with a cane or a flexible leather belt with a handle across the back. Also, give the green light for store owners and citizens to shoot looters on sight without repercussions. That would end it.
I've told this story I heard when I was kid. Macon, Georgia had a problem with convenience stores being robbed. They adopted a policy of arming police with Thompson 45s and shooting armed robbers on sight. After machine-gunning a few, the safest place to be in Macon, Georgia was a 7-11.
It's a mistake to see these crimes as a function of social degeneracy. Its cost of living related entirely. Wages just haven't kept up.
Stop making excuses for criminal behavior. People who steal are doing so because they want to and they know in these places they can get away with it. I mean theft in California is pretty much accepted now.
Stop making excuses for criminal behavior. People who steal are doing so because they want to and they know in these places they can get away with it. I mean theft in California is pretty much accepted now.
They're not just jokers who want to see the world burn. There's a profit motive for the thefts in the current national economy.
It would be interesting to show young people today Andy Griffith or Leave it to Beaver. Like a visual time capsule. See how degraded and perverse our culture has become and realize it doesnt have to be this way.
Wholesome is boring to them.
Man this would be great training for swat teams snipers.
Couple here, couple there. I imagine this crap would grind to a halt.
I always though we should turn a SEAL team loose down in the hood to take care of some business.
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because it just turns into a system of revenge, pay back, and ever expanding violence. and typically what happens after that is the government has to come in hard with even more power than they had before.

The current government seems centered on the concept of setting us up for failure so they can empower themselves even more.
Isnt that the point? Create the need for more people needing government?

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