Taxes and the Mega-Wealthy

You are looking foolish. Take the L. It's a felony unless the person whose tax info is leaked authorized it. Which I hope we can agree did not happen here.

Is It Illegal to Publish a President’s Tax Returns? (Published 2017)

You are confusing several different laws.
I guess Maddow is having her day in court for publishing Trump's tax info, since apparently it's illegal to do so. Oh wait she's not, even though Trump was president at the time and had the entire justice department to prosecute her. It's like he's a public figure, she published information about him and there's nothing that can be done about it. Thank you 1st Amendment.

You guys are grasping at straws and have no clue about basic constitutional law.

Can at least one person here link a successful prosecution against a journalist publishing a public figure's tax information? I mean you guys are sure you're right so there must be something out there
No thank you.
Currently Fed collects about 20% of GDP in revenue.

Just a thought. I wouldn't mind writing a check for 10% and be completely done. No withholding or other federal taxes.
I guess Maddow is having her day in court for publishing Trump's tax info, since apparently it's illegal to do so. Oh wait she's not, even though Trump was president at the time and had the entire justice department to prosecute her. It's like he's a public figure, she published information about him and there's nothing that can be done about it. Thank you 1st Amendment.

You guys are grasping at straws and have no clue about basic constitutional law.

Can at least one person here link a successful prosecution against a journalist publishing a public figure's tax information? I mean you guys are sure you're right so there must be something out there

the publication isn't the issue (unless you are Julian Assange); the acquisition and transfer of them to the media is the issue.
Wrong, all students pay for their costs in some way. Those on scholarship are most likely on scholarship because they are basically a marketing tool for the university. Now and in the future. How many millions of dollars has Peyton Manning's scholarship earned for the university?

The university sells a product just like everyone else, and the user (student) chooses to go there. With taxes there is no choice, we are all getting taxed. We can argue about what level of taxation is appropriate, but we are going to be taxed. It's how governments work. The government creating loopholes so the billionaire can avoid tax and have the common man pay the billionaire's share is the issue. I don't blame people for taking advantage of loopholes, but they should be closed.
Except the billionaires are paying money, lots of it. They arent free loading. The entire argument is based on a subjective "fair", and that the rich shouldnt have as much of their own money as they do.
I guess Maddow is having her day in court for publishing Trump's tax info, since apparently it's illegal to do so. Oh wait she's not, even though Trump was president at the time and had the entire justice department to prosecute her. It's like he's a public figure, she published information about him and there's nothing that can be done about it. Thank you 1st Amendment.

You guys are grasping at straws and have no clue about basic constitutional law.

Can at least one person here link a successful prosecution against a journalist publishing a public figure's tax information? I mean you guys are sure you're right so there must be something out there

Oh FFS you have the reading comprehension of a 7 year old. That explains so many problems.
Well, yeah, if we limit our thoughts to that, then we'll rarely have any solutions to discuss in here on any given topic. It did sound like you were saying it can't be done, but you are not.
What our government CAN do is far different than what it DOES, or SHOULD do. I dont see a fair way to achieve your end goal via the government. So in my world that's a CANT. I could be wrong, but I am not seeing anything proposed that would change my mind.
I guess Maddow is having her day in court for publishing Trump's tax info, since apparently it's illegal to do so. Oh wait she's not, even though Trump was president at the time and had the entire justice department to prosecute her. It's like he's a public figure, she published information about him and there's nothing that can be done about it. Thank you 1st Amendment.

You guys are grasping at straws and have no clue about basic constitutional law.

Can at least one person here link a successful prosecution against a journalist publishing a public figure's tax information? I mean you guys are sure you're right so there must be something out there
You completely ignorant tool. Here is the actual US code

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

Here let me give you the definition of the information protected as it relates to the taxpayer. Note “public figure” is never offered as an exemption for taxpayer.

(3)Taxpayer return information
The term “taxpayer return information” means return information as defined in paragraph (2) which is filed with, or furnished to, the Secretary by or on behalf of the taxpayer to whom such return information relates.
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When four people like Bezos, Buffett, Gates and Musk own more than the GDP of more than 90% of countries maybe our system is broken.

Rich=broken system?

There is nothing fundamentally broken with some people being super rich. Assuming its acquired legally.
We are witnessing in real time a new challenge for the VNPF village idiot title! The challenger isn’t really a shocker but the level of effort being expended is admirable.
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We are witnessing in real time a new challenge for the VNPF village idiot title! The challenger isn’t really a shocker but the level of effort being expended is admirable.

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CNN - such morons reporting on possible illegal leaks when they could have just called Tyler and he'd have told them it's cool if we're talking about public figures.

Biden administration investigates 'illegal' leak of Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Warren Buffett's tax information - CNN
There's a key word in there - investigation. When the investigation turns into a prosecution, that prosecution turns into a conviction, and then the conviction is upheld by the SCOTUS please get back to me.
There's a key word in there - investigation. When the investigation turns into a prosecution, that prosecution turns into a conviction, and then the conviction is upheld by the SCOTUS please get back to me.

why would they be investigating an act that isn't a crime? If being a public figure means tax confidentiality doesn't apply then there would be nothing to investigate eh?
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So your version of fair sounds like specifically targetting the rich.

In your scenario the government isnt saying you can only write off 10 lambos. Its saying you can write off your personal vehicles. For me that's a Sentra. For my parents it's a versa, frontier, and rogue. For the rich its 10 lambos.

That's fair, in law and practicality. You cant assume it's fair for someone to pay more because they can afford it.

I eat McDonalds more than I should, part of my weight loss strategy. I make more than most of their customers, should I pay more? Should Bezos dollar menu options be limited to tap water? For me the answer is no. And I dont see why it's different, legally, ethically, morally, logically, etc, for the government.

Non sequitur.

The example was just to illustrate the point that legality of opportunity doesn't make outcomes (more) fair.

You pay for the McDonald's you eat. If Bezos eats more, he pays for more. That's the way taxes should work, too. I'd be all too happy to simplify our tax code to something even easier to understand than a McDonald's menu. How about x% of all revenue/income? 3%? I'll take it.
How much money does one man need? It's like a Monopoly game where one player collects all of the money and owns all of the property. Besides, why are all of the rich billionaires white?

1) ‘bout tree fiddy

2) Because all of the poor billionaires are black, brown, red, and yellow.

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