Why would any coach want to come to a school where you have nothing but Bickering fans Criticizing your every move? Constant rumors and allegations like a bunch of women in a hair salon!!! No one!
For that reason this University will never be able to hire a big time coach simply because the word is out and truthfully no coach wants to put up with the Bullshat that comes with the job at Tennessee! The only coaches that will give it a try are coaches that want to try and build their name. The key word there is TRY. But hey how can you be successful when recruits won't come here due to negative message boards and the possibility of another coaching change. That is sad folks! Sad!
Recruiting: We are losing recruits every year to these message boards and all the negative talk week in and week out,,,,,,, it's killing us. What is really funny about that is it seems most fans are under the belief that recruits live in caves and thus have no internet connectivity. I am exaggerating of course but anyone who is naive enough to believe that recruits don't read these boards is well,,,,stupid! I apologize if that applies to you but if the shoe fits,,,,,you know?
Sorry for being so blunt but I am convinced gossiping negative fans are contributing to the ruination of this team. I see it every year in our recruiting! In our Coach Hiring! I mean every time we try to get a big time coach I see them turning down this job! Doesn't anyone wonder Why? We have some of the best facilities in the nation, the Academics is top notch, the University's location is in a beautiful area, we are in the SEC, the university leadership is committed to winning and we have some of the deepest tradition in the country. So again, I ask why is there no big time Coaches wanting to Coach at Tennessee!
Simple: Constant Negative FAN Base!
Don't get me wrong, I am just like everyone else when it comes to being upset with the coaching and how the team is playing right now. But I sure as heck don't get on here every chance i get and talk crap about the coaches and players. It is a matter of respect for the school, coaches, players and does nothing to make this team better.