TB is telling truth

I just generally am skeptical when radio hacks with bad track records start telling me what happened.

A guy with the best track record on VQ said its true. I don't know how he does it, and I can't stand the guy either but TB has actually broken like 3 stories this year.
I have no idea what's happening, but clearly Basilio is backtracking from what he said a couple weeks ago, when he was 100% certain that Dooley was done. He didn't say a thing about Hart or the administration at the time.

Guess things weren't 100% certain after all.
I just generally am skeptical when radio hacks with bad track records start telling me what happened.

You mean when the fanbase goes from - Dooley deserves another year to

Hart is moving too fast, Dooley needs to finish the season we could still be 9-4 umm I mean 8-5 to

Why hasn't Hart fired Dooley yet, Hart must go?

Seems logical to me :)
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What, lose all those 1 and 2 star recruits Dooley is reeling in? Oh the horror!!!

What does the actual announcement of letting CDD go right now do good? There will be fewer butts in seats because of it, not more. There could possibly be 1 or 2 more losses on our record this year, not more wins. What good will it do?
Why would any coach want to come to a school where you have nothing but Bickering fans Criticizing your every move? Constant rumors and allegations like a bunch of women in a hair salon!!! No one!

For that reason this University will never be able to hire a big time coach simply because the word is out and truthfully no coach wants to put up with the Bullshat that comes with the job at Tennessee! The only coaches that will give it a try are coaches that want to try and build their name. The key word there is TRY. But hey how can you be successful when recruits won't come here due to negative message boards and the possibility of another coaching change. That is sad folks! Sad!

Recruiting: We are losing recruits every year to these message boards and all the negative talk week in and week out,,,,,,, it's killing us. What is really funny about that is it seems most fans are under the belief that recruits live in caves and thus have no internet connectivity. I am exaggerating of course but anyone who is naive enough to believe that recruits don't read these boards is well,,,,stupid! I apologize if that applies to you but if the shoe fits,,,,,you know?

Sorry for being so blunt but I am convinced gossiping negative fans are contributing to the ruination of this team. I see it every year in our recruiting! In our Coach Hiring! I mean every time we try to get a big time coach I see them turning down this job! Doesn't anyone wonder Why? We have some of the best facilities in the nation, the Academics is top notch, the University's location is in a beautiful area, we are in the SEC, the university leadership is committed to winning and we have some of the deepest tradition in the country. So again, I ask why is there no big time Coaches wanting to Coach at Tennessee!

Simple: Constant Negative FAN Base!

Don't get me wrong, I am just like everyone else when it comes to being upset with the coaching and how the team is playing right now. But I sure as heck don't get on here every chance i get and talk crap about the coaches and players. It is a matter of respect for the school, coaches, players and does nothing to make this team better.

You know what would make the negative fans more positive? Having a respectable product on the field.

This blaming the fans post is a joke. Get this garbage out of here.

A change gonna come
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I have no idea what's happening, but clearly Basilio is backtracking from what he said a couple weeks ago, when he was 100% certain that Dooley was done. He didn't say a thing about Hart or the administration at the time.

Guess things weren't 100% certain after all.

A lot of people thought Dooley was done. It wasn't just TB. I don't know if Hart didn't get the results he wanted when he started seeing what coaches would be interested, but many people were saying Dooley was as good as done after the Miss State game.
You mean when the fanbase goes from - Dooley deserves another year to

Hart is moving too fast, Dooley needs to finish the season we could still be 9-4 umm I mean 8-5 to

Why hasn't Hart fired Dooley yet, Hart must go?

Seems logical to me :)

The whole episode has seemed screwy from the get go. It still hasn't made any sense to me that Gruden would ever want the job in the first place.
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I have no idea what's happening, but clearly Basilio is backtracking from what he said a couple weeks ago, when he was 100% certain that Dooley was done. He didn't say a thing about Hart or the administration at the time.

Guess things weren't 100% certain after all.

Just because it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it's not 100% certain.
He's right that some of the Big Money wanted Dooley fired after SCAR, and Hart has been running interference. A lot of donors got together this weekend when out-of-towners were in for Homecoming. This is not being handled well... and it's not going to end well.
So TB reads message boards....

I don't know. I don't listen to his radio show because he is annoying, but on two different occasions, a poster wrote something TB said on the radio or in his blog and the insider confirmed it was true. The other one was Gruden calling Kiffin and Kiffin giving UT positive notes.
Here's what I don't like-the "trust me, on the inside it's rotten" but I don't give any proof. Let me be clear, I think Coach needs to go. But for all the reasons I/we can see. Any idiot can claim they know things we don't, but only a fool basis major decisions based on bull**** they can't verify.
I have no idea what's happening, but clearly Basilio is backtracking from what he said a couple weeks ago, when he was 100% certain that Dooley was done. He didn't say a thing about Hart or the administration at the time.

Guess things weren't 100% certain after all.

TB didnt say he wasnt going to be fired. He said he needs to do it today and not hold this fanbase hostage. Let us enjoy the last 3 games and not feel like some have to pull against the vols to get rid of Dooley. That is not back tracking. Same as TB reported last week, nothing he said was back tracking, it was just more information on our goofy administration and people freaked.
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Here's what I don't like-the "trust me, on the inside it's rotten" but I don't give any proof. Let me be clear, I think Coach needs to go. But for all the reasons I/we can see. Any idiot can claim they know things we don't, but only a fool basis major decisions based on bull**** they can't verify.

I agree. It's hard to put much stock in statements like that.
Here's what I don't like-the "trust me, on the inside it's rotten" but I don't give any proof. Let me be clear, I think Coach needs to go. But for all the reasons I/we can see. Any idiot can claim they know things we don't, but only a fool basis major decisions based on bull**** they can't verify.

Exactly where I am. This whole soap opera is being created and I'd bet that only about 25% of it is based in fact.
He's right that some of the Big Money wanted Dooley fired after SCAR, and Hart has been running interference. A lot of donors got together this weekend when out-of-towners were in for Homecoming. This is not being handled well... and it's not going to end well.

So what do you think from the information that you have is going on?
What does the actual announcement of letting CDD go right now do good? There will be fewer butts in seats because of it, not more. There could possibly be 1 or 2 more losses on our record this year, not more wins. What good will it do?

It would show clear leadership and a sense of direction from the athletic department. It would allow us to begin a legitimate and thorough coaching search. It would demonstrate to fans, players, and recruits that the current state of the program is unacceptable and that steps are being taken to improve it.

Leaving Dooley in there accomplishes nothing. All it does is show a lack of concern from the AD. Why should fans care about the program when the athletic department doesn't? The apathy just grows.
Why would any coach want to come to a school where you have nothing but Bickering fans Criticizing your every move? Constant rumors and allegations like a bunch of women in a hair salon!!! No one!

For that reason this University will never be able to hire a big time coach simply because the word is out and truthfully no coach wants to put up with the Bullshat that comes with the job at Tennessee! The only coaches that will give it a try are coaches that want to try and build their name. The key word there is TRY. But hey how can you be successful when recruits won't come here due to negative message boards and the possibility of another coaching change. That is sad folks! Sad!

Recruiting: We are losing recruits every year to these message boards and all the negative talk week in and week out,,,,,,, it's killing us. What is really funny about that is it seems most fans are under the belief that recruits live in caves and thus have no internet connectivity. I am exaggerating of course but anyone who is naive enough to believe that recruits don't read these boards is well,,,,stupid! I apologize if that applies to you but if the shoe fits,,,,,you know?

Sorry for being so blunt but I am convinced gossiping negative fans are contributing to the ruination of this team. I see it every year in our recruiting! In our Coach Hiring! I mean every time we try to get a big time coach I see them turning down this job! Doesn't anyone wonder Why? We have some of the best facilities in the nation, the Academics is top notch, the University's location is in a beautiful area, we are in the SEC, the university leadership is committed to winning and we have some of the deepest tradition in the country. So again, I ask why is there no big time Coaches wanting to Coach at Tennessee!

Simple: Constant Negative FAN Base!

Don't get me wrong, I am just like everyone else when it comes to being upset with the coaching and how the team is playing right now. But I sure as heck don't get on here every chance i get and talk crap about the coaches and players. It is a matter of respect for the school, coaches, players and does nothing to make this team better.

There none so blind as those who will not see.:dry:
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So is everybody automatically buying the backstory?

These "fans" will believe anything that they see or hear! I don't buy Tony's crap at all.

Hang in there folks. Gruden is coming! Oh wait, no he's not! Now change your Avi back to some hot girl please!.
I have no idea what's happening, but clearly Basilio is backtracking from what he said a couple weeks ago, when he was 100% certain that Dooley was done. He didn't say a thing about Hart or the administration at the time.

Guess things weren't 100% certain after all.

Where in the blog does he say Dooley will be retained? He says the boosters want to do it now and Hart does not.
I know many don't like TB. I think he is the true voice of the fan base. I don't think he makes things up, I think he gets emotional sometimes and that is what I like about him and his show.

So bash if you want, read this and ask yourself is anyone currently at UT capable of doing what needs to be done?

The Tony Basilio Show

Not sure but that website looks pre-1990?....needs an overhaul for sure, I can't take anything serious looking that unprofessional, just because you can build a website in Word doesn't mean you should! lol

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