Nope, nope, not agreeing that girls are more likely to get emotionally overwhelmed. Some kids, regardless of gender, can get overwhelmed by a game situation. Look no further than our QB to see a boy who can totally lose focus at times when things get tough.This question was not addressed to me, but I commented on just this subject very recently, in which I referenced Glory Johnson, a brilliant, honors student, whose body-mind were a bit out of balance. Glory was anything but ...”dumb.”
But, I know, and have known MANY “dumb jocks,” as they were called, who were incredibly “heady” athletes, and specifically in basketball. The just “got it!”
I will add only that, some players - and more specifically, girls - can be so emotionally overwhelmed, as to look physically challenged. Theirs is most often NOT physical, nor is it “academic” ...just a lot of internal conflict or stress. So, I think we agree on this part, but it’s certainly a delicate subject.
Checking the calendar, yep 2020.