Teams that played Oregon closer than us



Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2009
All of the following teams with much less talent than ours did better against Chip Kelly coached Oregon teams running the same scheme, often with more talent than this Oregon team.

Arkansas State
Fresno State
Washington State (3 different times)
Oregon State (4 different times)

Even Derek Dooley did better against them than we did yesterday.
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All of the following teams with much less talent than ours did better against Chip Kelly coached Oregon teams running the same scheme, often with more talent than this Oregon team.

Arkansas State
Fresno State
Washington State (3 different times)
Oregon State (4 different times)

Even Derek Dooley did better against them than we did yesterday.
That's one of the things I'm really bummed about. I honestly felt like the Oregon team at Neyland was better than this year's team with the exception being at QB, they got an upgrade there, but not a huge improvement. I thought the #117 staff and team were vastly better than what Dooley put on the field, for example, Dooley had to start a couple of former walkons on his OL that year if memory serves, I may be mistaken. Anyway they gave an OU team a much better game than what we witnessed this past Saturday, which leads me to believe, #117 is worse than what Dooley put on the field his first year ... which is scary and I refuse to seriously consider.
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Want me to make a list of teams that got torched by Oregon?

We got's goes on. A much superior team won the day...

I have said this before... CBJ did just fine in the face of insurmountable odds...the biggest thing he did was try to keep the players healthy. Once it was clear that TN was not able to compete CBJ went into survival mode.

The OREGON game DOESN'T MATTER in the grand scheme of things. We have sec play coming up. We are NOT competing for a NC. Heck we are not competing for a SEC championship. Why beat your team up on a throw-a-way game?

Keep your eyes on the 2013 prize. 6-6 and a bowl WIN, and 7-6 overall. That would be our best year in what 4 or 5 seasons? Honestly keep your senses Volnation. Set realistic goals for 2013 and let the Butch Crew bring in the better talent for future success.


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This is a really GOOFY analysis . Bama will beat us by 21 to 28 points. They would probably beat Oregon by 21 to 28 points . That means that we must be as good as Oregon ?

Could it be that it was a terrible match up for a team with no passing game , no dominant interior pass rush , and no depth all around playing one of the fastest paced teams in college ball ?
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This is a really GOOFY analysis . Bama will beat us by 21 to 28 points. They would probably beat Oregon by 21 to 28 points . That means that we must be as good as Oregon ?

Could it be that it was a terrible match up for a team with no passing game , no dominant interior pass rush , and no depth all around playing one of the fastest paced teams in college ball ?

2nd part is dead on. This Oregon team would beat Bama though, IMO. They are really really good. More talent than OP thinks.
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You simply cannot compare stuff like this. Well we beat team A by 10, team B beat them by 11, well guess team B is better than us. There are way to many variables to do that.

Now find me a team that has our complete lack of depth, complete new staff, entire offensive production gone, had an entire signing class gone (kiffin), be the week before opening up SEC play and not want to show much and have multiple key leaders and role players out with injuries then I will take your comparison.
What is your point? Dooley sucks balls. Who really thought Tennessee was going to give one of the best teams a game? No one! We was suppose to get our butts kicked. I really don't think but one team in sec that might could have beat the ducks and that's maybe. We have a 1 recruiting class this coming year and will take a few more to compete with the big boys. We will beat teams we should along with Vandy, Missouri, Kentucky, and maybe auburn to go 6-6 or 7-5 regular season and have a chance to win one more in bowl game.
2nd part is dead on. This Oregon team would beat Bama though, IMO. They are really really good. More talent than OP thinks.

I disagree and I will tell you why ..and maybe touch on a couple of our weaknesses that let to our beat down.

- the 3-4 is a much better control defense for the zone read . It allows a team to cover the E gap ( which is uncovered in the 43 ) . Allows a team to contain the edges easir than a 43 defensive end . The 34 OLs can pop into the edge space and hoover unblocked and thwart the run and bail out if their is no run .
- Bama has dominant interior guys...we do not. You pass rush a zone read from the interior and contain the edges. We were unable to get an interior pass rush so their QB had all day and the secondary can only contain that receivers for 3-4 seconds
- Bama has a QB ...we do not. Intermediate passes take the Ducks out of the run gaps ( they stayed in our interior gaps 7-8 guys ) Intermediate passes open up the run ...which will keep your defense off the field .

Any questions on that , see LSU 2011. They dominated the interior and collapsed the zone read ...they also generated a pass rush from there. On offense they used power running in the middle and edges , they were able to keep the ducks D honest with effective play action.

It woulda been a better game if we could have passed the ball with any effectiveness.
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I disagree and I will tell you why ..and maybe touch on a couple of our weaknesses that let to our beat down.

- the 3-4 is a much better control defense for the zone read . It allows a team to cover the E gap ( which is uncovered in the 43 ) . Allows a team to contain the edges easir than a 43 defensive end . The 34 OLs can pop into the edge space and hoover unblocked and thwart the run and bail out if their is no run .
- Bama has dominant interior guys...we do not. You pass rush a zone read from the interior and contain the edges. We were unable to get an interior pass rush so their QB had all day and the secondary can only contain that receivers for 3-4 seconds
- Bama has a QB ...we do not. Intermediate passes take the Ducks out of the run gaps ( they stayed in our interior gaps 7-8 guys ) Intermediate passes open up the run ...which will keep your defense off the field .

Any questions on that , see LSU 2011. They dominated the interior and collapsed the zone read ...they also generated a pass rush from there. On offense they used power running in the middle and edges , they were able to keep the ducks D honest with effective play action.

It woulda been a better game if we could have passed the ball with any effectiveness.

Talent and speed can beat schemes. Bama's D isnt as good as the last few years. Im not saying they suck, they are just a notch below.
Talent and speed can beat schemes. Bama's D isnt as good as the last few years. Im not saying they suck, they are just a notch below.

I dont disagree with you on that but our weaknesses did alot to accentuate the Ducks strengths. There are teams that can hold the edges and pressure the interior. There system blows up when this is accomplished .

Most teams ..except us ...have a serviceable QB and receivers and can respond , keeping their defense off the field.

I hope they play that game. I would think it would go alot like the LSU game or the Stanford game myself.
All of the following teams with much less talent than ours did better against Chip Kelly coached Oregon teams running the same scheme, often with more talent than this Oregon team.

Arkansas State
Fresno State
Washington State (3 different times)
Oregon State (4 different times)

Even Derek Dooley did better against them than we did yesterday.

So the above listed teams played the exact same Oregon team we played yesterday?

Dude, give it up. Your stats suck since you cannot recreate the exact team roster, environmental conditions, injury roster and crowd factor that we faced.
for example, Dooley had to start a couple of former walkons on his OL that year if memory serves, I may be mistaken.
You are indeed mistaken. That was Kiffin who started the Sullins brothers on the o-line. Dooley's first year he had James, Fulton, and Stone as freshmen
Posted via VolNation Mobile
All of the following teams with much less talent than ours did better against Chip Kelly coached Oregon teams running the same scheme, often with more talent than this Oregon team.

Arkansas State
Fresno State
Washington State (3 different times)
Oregon State (4 different times)

Even Derek Dooley did better against them than we did yesterday.

I'm an Oregon fan, and even I have to say this is stupid.

Some of those teams are from FOUR years ago! Meaning...only reedshirt seniors are still left on this team.

Also, this is BY FAR the most talented team Oregon has ever fielded. Not even close; not even open for discussion. I've watched every game (except for my stint of living out of the country) since 2000. And this team would be a 14+ point favorite over the next most talented team in UO history, which would probably be last year's team!

The team that beat you in 2010 had something like 3 players drafted, all after the 3rd round.

Depending on who declares early, this team could have 3-4 players drafted in the FIRST ROUND.

So in conclusion, stupid point to make. You guys are better than those teams. Though I will say even I'm surprised we unloaded the bench in the 3rd quarter. I think maybe because as an Oregon fan, you learn to get screwed or snakebitten (2001, 2005, 2007, 2011, 2012), so I always expect the worst. And I thought this would be closer.
STILL, this statement holds no value, not only because it's ridiculous, but because, by stating that the 2010 team had more talent than this team, you have revealed yourself to be fairly uninformed about UO football. As that assessment of 2010's and 2013's teams is horribly inaccurate.

You guys will be fine. I expect a Tennessee win over Florida. I'll be rooting for you the rest of the way, as I always root for the trusty Vols in the SEC.
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Sometimes when you get your azz handed to you, you learn to work harder and smarter at what you are doing. Will see if that happens with Butch and the team.
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