Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) - 8/10
That's right! I loved it, this film seemed to borrow a lot from several different TMNT incarnations from the original to the new Nickelodeon animated version.
I was 10 when the original hit theaters and I thought this was a worthy modern reboot. Once you get past the look (noses) of the turtles. I was able to settle in and enjoy it and I thought it was a lot of fun. Not real sure why anyone had a problem with Megan Fox I thought her character was more in line with the original animated version than the original films version outside of being a high profile reporter. She wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty.
I thought the voice acting was pretty spot-on with close to the traditional sound of the characters.
My one and only complaint was the Shredder being to robotic or what ever you want to call it. He looked like a CGI character more so than anything else in the film. Make it two things the fight stuff on the side of the mountain had that been a little more grounded and had Shredder been a little more traditional looking I would have given it a 9/10.