Teens accused of killing retired police chief laugh, flip off victim’s family in court

nahh, they young have been doing stupid things forever. Fact is, they were more aggressive in the past (at least by testosterone levels). By testosterone levels, we are litrerally 1/2 the men our grandfathers were, so its no real surprise the current generation is all but growing tits.

The difference in the past is that here in the "civilized world" at least, religious believe had some limiting impact and the rest was left to understanding the penalty was severe if they did catch you (which may have been rare(.

Youth today has little in religious tenants and even less of a sense that they are responsible for their actions and will be held accountable for them. It is easy to see things thorough a virtual lens and think you actually have experienced something. Knowing about war because you play Call of Duty.

I hear the self assurance of my young one telling me how things really are - until viola, reality smacks him in the face.
you could repeat this same mantra for all time. Every generation has said it about the previous generation, and somehow we have always continued on. despite every older and wiser generation calling for the down fall of humanity, because this time its different.
you could repeat this same mantra for all time. Every generation has said it about the previous generation, and somehow we have always continued on. despite every older and wiser generation calling for the down fall of humanity, because this time its different.

It's much different now. You see it. There was a certain respect for humanity. We did stupid stuff but what we see today is much different - there is a moral decay and rot. This country could not be founded in today's times. All you have to do is look at the numbers of who believe in God and who don't. It was the foundation for creating a nation. Look at that fatherless households today vs 75 years ago. The US is really worse vs in this area vs other countries.

The Bible speaks of what we see and it is mocked more today than ever before.
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It's much different now. You see it. There was a certain respect for humanity. We did stupid stuff but what we see today is much different - there is a moral decay and rot. This country could not be founded in today's times. All you have to do is look at the numbers of who believe in God and who don't. It was the foundation for creating a nation. Look at that fatherless households today vs 75 years ago. The US is really worse vs in this area vs other countries.

The Bible speaks of what we see and it is mocked more today than ever before.
this nation was founded with only about 1/3 of people actively supporting it. just about equal number actively fought against it, and the largest number of people just sat on the sides. our nation is a reflection of its time, there was no other time more than 30 years from 1776 where we could have been created and reflected what we are now.

moral decay brought down the greeks, romans, and British empires. again its nothing new. you could probably expand that to any long lasting empire, the Chinese, various Indian empires, its not a new problem. each generation is always "the worst".

even the founding fathers were the rebels with low moral aptitude for the time. Ben Franklin famously got around with the women particularly the older ones. Thomas Jefferson more than likely slept with his slaves and had children by them. oh yeah, slavery in general is pretty reprehensible in any day and age, no less so in the 1770s. they fought literal duels against each the violence was so bad. back in the early days Congressional matters were settled with fist fights and beatings. the good ole days weren't as good as we assume they are. heck we got so divided we fought a civil war in the 19th century.

its nothing different now. this generation is just the next step, we will complain about our kids.

chasing some sort of morality is what lead to prohibition and that created a far worse situation than was there before.
this nation was founded with only about 1/3 of people actively supporting it. just about equal number actively fought against it, and the largest number of people just sat on the sides. our nation is a reflection of its time, there was no other time more than 30 years from 1776 where we could have been created and reflected what we are now.

moral decay brought down the greeks, romans, and British empires. again its nothing new. you could probably expand that to any long lasting empire, the Chinese, various Indian empires, its not a new problem. each generation is always "the worst".

even the founding fathers were the rebels with low moral aptitude for the time. Ben Franklin famously got around with the women particularly the older ones. Thomas Jefferson more than likely slept with his slaves and had children by them. oh yeah, slavery in general is pretty reprehensible in any day and age, no less so in the 1770s. they fought literal duels against each the violence was so bad. back in the early days Congressional matters were settled with fist fights and beatings. the good ole days weren't as good as we assume they are. heck we got so divided we fought a civil war in the 19th century.

its nothing different now. this generation is just the next step, we will complain about our kids.

chasing some sort of morality is what lead to prohibition and that created a far worse situation than was there before.
In general I agree with you. I think the difference now, though, is the proliferation of information and the level of anonymity everyone can have to be their worst. Is it a huge factor? I think we'll see. I don't know one way or the other.

The reality is things in the past were rarely as good or bad as they are now, and things now are rarely as good or bad as we think.
So is the latest mass shooting, do object to it being it's own thread?

Uh, mass shootings are a huge issue in America--at least to people with brains. A couple of young thugs smirking in court is not an issue at all--it's just one of a billion things that happen in American every day.
Uh, mass shootings are a huge issue in America--at least to people with brains. A couple of young thugs smirking in court is not an issue at all--it's just one of a billion things that happen in American every day.

Actually they are not a huge issue. Look at the statistics, they just get the most attention unless of course they happen in the inner city and are gang related.
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Actually they are not a huge issue. Look at the statistics, they just get the most attention unless of course they happen in the inner city and are gang related.
It really depends on how one defines "mass shooting". If we count something like 4 people injured, the majority are by blacks. But since that doesn't tell the story that's wanted, the media and government work the numbers to find the right story.

The thing is, when they work it that way, you find that there have actually been very few "mass shootings" in the United States in the last forever years.
It really depends on how one defines "mass shooting". If we count something like 4 people injured, the majority are by blacks. But since that doesn't tell the story that's wanted, the media and government work the numbers to find the right story.

The thing is, when they work it that way, you find that there have actually been very few "mass shootings" in the United States in the last forever years.

Let me understand what you're laboring to say here: If multiple blacks are injured by gunfire, it's not a mass shooting. So, if multiple white are, that would meet your definition of a mass shooting." You sound like a racist--and even the dumbest conservatives would acknowledge that mass shootings are a very serious problem in America. They're just OK, like you, with doing nothing about it. I can only hope we have a lot more mass shootings in red states....and there have been a lot already.
Let me understand what you're laboring to say here: If multiple blacks are injured by gunfire, it's not a mass shooting. So, if multiple white are, that would meet your definition of a mass shooting." You sound like a racist--and even the dumbest conservatives would acknowledge that mass shootings are a very serious problem in America. They're just OK, like you, with doing nothing about it. I can only hope we have a lot more mass shootings in red states....and there have been a lot already.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem? That's not what he said at all. MSM and the democrats don't consider inner city gangland shootings "mass shootings" because they typically involve black people so they ignore them.
Actually they are not a huge issue. Look at the statistics, they just get the most attention unless of course they happen in the inner city and are gang related.

They happen everywhere, Earl. Indeed, most of the most heinous mass shootings have not been in inner cities at all. Last night was Maine. Columbine, Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, many others.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? That's not what he said at all. MSM and the democrats don't consider inner city gangland shootings "mass shootings" because they typically involve black people so they ignore them.

They're not ignored at all. Every mass shooting gets media attention--though, yea, gang members shooting each other is different from innocent people being murdered in schools, bowling alleys, shopping centers. There is a difference.
They're not ignored at all. Every mass shooting gets media attention--though, yea, gang members shooting each other is different from innocent people being murdered in schools, bowling alleys, shopping centers. There is a difference.

No, not all mass shootings get attention. There are multiple mass shootings every month in Chicago where innocent bystanders are wounded/killed and there's nary a mention in the national media or the Democrats because typically they involve black people. So who exactly are the racists?
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? That's not what he said at all. MSM and the democrats don't consider inner city gangland shootings "mass shootings" because they typically involve black people so they ignore them.
I suffered brain damage trying to draw the same conclusion he did from my post.
this nation was founded with only about 1/3 of people actively supporting it. just about equal number actively fought against it, and the largest number of people just sat on the sides. our nation is a reflection of its time, there was no other time more than 30 years from 1776 where we could have been created and reflected what we are now.

moral decay brought down the greeks, romans, and British empires. again its nothing new. you could probably expand that to any long lasting empire, the Chinese, various Indian empires, its not a new problem. each generation is always "the worst".

even the founding fathers were the rebels with low moral aptitude for the time. Ben Franklin famously got around with the women particularly the older ones. Thomas Jefferson more than likely slept with his slaves and had children by them. oh yeah, slavery in general is pretty reprehensible in any day and age, no less so in the 1770s. they fought literal duels against each the violence was so bad. back in the early days Congressional matters were settled with fist fights and beatings. the good ole days weren't as good as we assume they are. heck we got so divided we fought a civil war in the 19th century.

its nothing different now. this generation is just the next step, we will complain about our kids.

chasing some sort of morality is what lead to prohibition and that created a far worse situation than was there before.

When we visited our girlfriends parents house, we generally looked like we were getting ready for Sunday school. Today many of these kids already got their pants half way down. Yeah we're the same.

Growing up 95% of the kids stood for the pledge of allegiance regardless if the parents were democrats or republicans. Now many schools don't even play the anthem to start school. Yeah we're the same.

When I was going up we thought many of us crowding a convenience store to steal a candy bar was risky. Now they run in department stores, Ramage the aisles and take over $50k in merchandise and most of the time even when caught it's a slap on the wrist. Yeah it's all the same.

Growing up we all knew homosexuality was wrong, now boys are girls, girls and boys, you can change your sex, men are telling you they're women in the highest levels of government. Yeah we're all the same.

I could go on.
They're not ignored at all. Every mass shooting gets media attention--though, yea, gang members shooting each other is different from innocent people being murdered in schools, bowling alleys, shopping centers. There is a difference.
yeah no they don't. there was a mass shooting in Atlanta back on October 2nd I think, early October anyway.

how much media attention did it get in your area?

I didn't even hear about it until weeks later and I live in Atlanta.

oh heck, while looking for links on that shooting I saw there was one 2 days ago here in Atlanta. 6 shot. Kinda proves my point exceptionally well.
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When we visited our girlfriends parents house, we generally looked like we were getting ready for Sunday school. Today many of these kids already got their pants half way down. Yeah we're the same.

Growing up 95% of the kids stood for the pledge of allegiance regardless if the parents were democrats or republicans. Now many schools don't even play the anthem to start school. Yeah we're the same.

When I was going up we thought many of us crowding a convenience store to steal a candy bar was risky. Now they run in department stores, Ramage the aisles and take over $50k in merchandise and most of the time even when caught it's a slap on the wrist. Yeah it's all the same.

Growing up we all knew homosexuality was wrong, now boys are girls, girls and boys, you can change your sex, men are telling you they're women in the highest levels of government. Yeah we're all the same.

I could go on.
I don't assign morality to the way people dress. its lazy and often factually wrong. and you had to completely change the situation to make the comparison. you seeing your girlfriends parents, vs complaining about everyday dress. I went to a private Catholic school and I can tell you for a fact the way people dress has absolutely zero to do with their character or what they are doing.

again I don't assign any morality to the Pledge of Allegiance, it didn't even exist for our FF, and I would bet it would have terrified most of them, especially the late inclusion of "under God".

The number of people robbing stores like that is incredibly small, or else it would be a problem everywhere, and not just for Democratic run cities/areas. back in your day those people were throwing rocks through people's windows, going home and beating their wifes and bragging to their preacher about it.

I definitely don't assign any morality to the consensual sexual preferences of adults. the measures I strongly disagree with, mutilating children, wasn't possible back in your day, but dressing up your daughters and the disgusting beauty pageant practices was common place and I would say equally as harmful.

back in your day the blacks probably had separate bathrooms, yeah, we are not the same.
back in your day beating your wife was common practice and actually approved of. yeah, we are not the same.

every age has its disgusting practices that are different from other times, don't think your age group was somehow immune just because you are older now and weren't aware of the problems. the media plays up most of these problems you list into bigger problems than they actually are, making you aware, and telling you to be afraid of everything, and you buy it.
When we visited our girlfriends parents house, we generally looked like we were getting ready for Sunday school. Today many of these kids already got their pants half way down. Yeah we're the same.

Growing up 95% of the kids stood for the pledge of allegiance regardless if the parents were democrats or republicans. Now many schools don't even play the anthem to start school. Yeah we're the same.

When I was going up we thought many of us crowding a convenience store to steal a candy bar was risky. Now they run in department stores, Ramage the aisles and take over $50k in merchandise and most of the time even when caught it's a slap on the wrist. Yeah it's all the same.

Growing up we all knew homosexuality was wrong, now boys are girls, girls and boys, you can change your sex, men are telling you they're women in the highest levels of government. Yeah we're all the same.

I could go on.
Your school played the SSB every morning?
nahh, they young have been doing stupid things forever. Fact is, they were more aggressive in the past (at least by testosterone levels). By testosterone levels, we are litrerally 1/2 the men our grandfathers were, so its no real surprise the current generation is all but growing tits.

The difference in the past is that here in the "civilized world" at least, religious believe had some limiting impact and the rest was left to understanding the penalty was severe if they did catch you (which may have been rare(.

Youth today has little in religious tenants and even less of a sense that they are responsible for their actions and will be held accountable for them. It is easy to see things thorough a virtual lens and think you actually have experienced something. Knowing about war because you play Call of Duty.

I hear the self assurance of my young one telling me how things really are - until viola, reality smacks him in the face.

What religious limiting impact mitigated the crusades, holy genocides, and centuries upon centuries of rape and murder in the name of any nation's chosen god?

You walked back a half mile from the asinine video game comment.

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