May be tl;dr it ranks as a worst post-date story.
Mid-1980s. I'm a sophomore in high school. Dad acquired, through means never made clear, a 1976 cherry red Corvette. Mint and magnificent. Father Ferguson kept it hidden and covered in a single car garage behind our house. He would occasionally take Mother Ferguson out for a spin on weekends. Us kids were told in no uncertain terms, “Do not touch.” Knowing my lean toward mischief, FF told me this more than once. Well, how CAN a man resist such temptation?
I usually had a couple hours between whatever sports season practice was happening to make my way three blocks from school to our house. I saw no harm in lifting dad’s keys (kept in a cigar box in his closet) for a bit of cruising. Rumor had it such a vehicle made a favorable impression on girls. Yes, girls took notice. And rides. This went on for a couple weeks.
My younger sister nearest my age found out and told me, “Dad will kill you!”
“He’ll never know” I said, choosing to remain oblivious to something called an odometer.
The pinnacle of this pre-Uber adventure came when I talked a junior class cheerleader / Valerie Bertinelli look-a-like into some serious make-out time while parked under a tree near school. No easy feat in that vehicle. I get her number and drop her off at her house. Return to stash the car on top of the world because I’m the ****ing king, you see.
An alleyway ran behind the houses of our neighborhood. You could access the garage without drawing notice. I cut to stash the car as usual when I see that the garage doors were open. I had closed and locked them. Always did. My head spins to the left to see Father Ferguson’s work truck parked in our driveway. My field of vision also picks up a familiar figure in our backyard. There stood Father Ferguson with a beer in one hand, cigarette in the other. He gives me a sinister smile and wave as I cruise by.
“Nice car!” he yells.
It is here, dear reader, the memory gets a bit dim. Somehow, I got the car back in the garage and came to Jesus during a loooooooong walk to the house. Come in the backdoor and into our kitchen. Dad stood there watching this old B/W TV we kept on the counter. Without raising his voice or even blinking, he says, “Gimme the ****ing keys, Mac.”
I gave him the ****ing keys. The next several minutes were…unpleasant. Turns out, he knew someone was joyriding. He wanted to catch the thief cherry red handed.
Prologue: Week later we’re driving to one of his construction jobs. My penitence included free labor for him. Crossing the street walks Valerie. She smiles and waves.
“One of your taxi fares?” He asks sarcastically.
Yea, I reply. He says, Well, you’re doing it right. Then he laughs that crazed tipsy laugh of his and hits me on the shoulder. I laugh, too.