Yes, it's a "coincidence", or whatever you may call it, when it's a matter of a point or two. It's not as if the half court style was some magical elixer that won the game for us. It was UT finally catching the breaks at the end of a Sweet 16 game. It's takes quite a stretch of logic to think that the results of two toss up games are solely the result of a stylistic change.
You simply want it to be the philosophy because it validates all the whining about Pearl's style you've made over the years. God forbid all your highly critical statements of Pearl turns out to be just a bunch of nonsense. No, no, no, can't have that.
Also, the funny thing is that you state, "the better team won in 2007", and it was still a one point game, nearly won by us at the end. This terrible style was only denied an Elite 8 by the great play of the future #1 draft pick, not a failure in the system. However, I guess, if we stopped running the "junk", Oden magically misses the block or something and we go to the Elite 8, right?
I mean, it's just so ridiculous. "No mere coincidence", my god. As if we were bounced in the first round year after year, changed our style and then went to that Elite 8. Now that would demonstrate "no mere coincidence", not one possession games in the Sweet 16.