Ten Thoughts (The Western Kentucky Postgame Report)

Did you see what happened in the 2nd half largely unaided by turnovers? Who's to say how many points WKU would have scored or we would have scored without turnovers?

Defense actually played better in the second half, IMO.

I think UT let up. Should they? No. But it seemed like they did. UT ran the ball at will in the second half with a fresh WKU defense.
Can we all agree that entirely too much deference was given by the national media to the "offensive wizardry of Bobby Petrino"?
Well I just got home from taking my family to the game. I agree with the op. Justin had a pick earlier in the game that was called back because of a d-penalty. He threw that ball up for grabs as well. His throws seemed to float a lot more than they should. I hope the offense gets it in gear this week, they were flat and the line did more laying on people than pushing people around. In the end we pulled away due to superior talent and conditioning but that won't fly the rest of the season. It looked like UT was holding back in the 2nd quarter on offense. They were much crisper in the first two drives of the second half.

He did that on purpose knowing we had the offside call.
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Can we all agree that entirely too much deference was given by the national media to the "offensive wizardry of Bobby Petrino"?

I disagree with you actually. WKU had a great gameplan in the first half, just god awful execution.
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I think we've had this discussion before if I remember correctly about Friendsville.

Yup, it's nice to be able to go out, smoke a cigar, and just listen to nature with my music in the background with annoying anyone or hearing the city.

I think you're right....and yes, I love building a fire when it gets cool outside, sipping on scotch, and smoking a cigar!
If Western Ky had cut their turnovers in half UT would have score 17-21 points less and still won. The offense didn't show me much on long drives. How will they do against the #2 team in the country next Saturday. Not good. I feel sorry for the Vols next week unless the offense looks better, especially at QB. The defense has got to tighten up. If Oregon scores less than 41, I'll be surprised and the Vols score more than 21.
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Can we all agree that entirely too much deference was given by the national media to the "offensive wizardry of Bobby Petrino"?

It was inevitable. He is a great play caller and the narrative called for him to somehow be able to scheme his way to a close game. The talent gap reality just got in the way which begs the question . . . If you've got a good plan, but can't execute it, was it really a good plan?
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I won't complain too much about a 32 point win but Worley needs to play better. It was a little encouraging though to see JW respond better in the 2nd half. It is also refreshing to see hardly any penalties as well.
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All I want to know is where is the video of the WKU fan sitting in the fountain singing Rocky Top as many times as we want?
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Defense actually played better in the second half, IMO.

I think UT let up. Should they? No. But it seemed like they did. UT ran the ball at will in the second half with a fresh WKU defense.

We absolutely let up in the 2nd quarter, right about the time Butch declined to go for it on 4th and short. It seemed to affect the D, or maybe they would have let up anyway, IDK. But it occurs to me that this was the only thing consistent about Dooley teams...they would always let up at the worst time. I think they got it from the Doolander himself. I don't know how many games we would try to run the clock at the end of the half, punt with a minute or so left, and then watch the other team score. To say nothing of the bowl game.

In short, I think the team for 3 years grew accustomed to relaxing with a lead, reverted to it today, but got corrected.

And I am hoping we never see it again, so long as Butch is our coach. :peace2:
If Croom catches that pass and scores, I feel that nobody would really be complaining about Worley. He only threw around nine passes in the first half, and easily should have had six completions for around 100 years and a TD. That was an absolutely beautiful pass to Croom on the corner route. Also the DB made a great play on North on the third down play before the blocked punt. That was another ball thrown pretty well that could have been a TD.

Overall I was really impressed that Worley went 4-9 in the first half (although he could have easily been 7-9 for two TD's), yet he rebounded to go 7-10 for over 100 yards and a TD with semi-vanilla play calling. I'm pretty sure I got the stats right so don't kill me if I am off by one or two.
I'll be surprised if WKU doesn't run the table in the SBC this year and win a bowl game.

See: Hugh Freeze in 2011, Gus Malzahn in 2012.
I was impressed with our secondary as a whole. Sutton, Coleman, Randolph, and McNeil all played very well IMO. We also put good pressure on the QB with the front 4. Our LBs were a little slow in reacting to passing plays but I feel like that will get better as they get more experience in our new defense this year. We still have to get better at wrapping up on tackles, and there were several bad angles taken in the game again, but I do feel like we now have a coach who will get those things corrected. But as a whole I was happy with the way our defense played. They look like a different team than they did last year.

SN: It's so nice to see a coaching staff that knows how to make the correct adjustments at half time. The difference in this staff's ability and the last staff's seems to be (at this point) night and day.
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Z - I usually like your analysis, but I find today's too negative. Why can't we just be happy about a win for a growing football team? Do we have all the pieces? No. Are we championship contenders? No. Let's just enjoy a modicum of success and praise our team instead of being critical. No one expects them to be SEC champs.
Z - I usually like your analysis, but I find today's too negative. Why can't we just be happy about a win for a growing football team? Do we have all the pieces? No. Are we championship contenders? No. Let's just enjoy a modicum of success and praise our team instead of being critical. No one expects them to be SEC champs.

I thought mine was positive. My job when doing this (at least when I write) is to be objective in terms of the team's performance. I thought it was a solid victory with some flaws. That's not a bad thing at all.
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I won't complain too much about a 32 point win but Worley needs to play better. It was a little encouraging though to see JW respond better in the 2nd half. It is also refreshing to see hardly any penalties as well.

I am really happy to see the few penalties, as well. That can certainly make a difference in a close game.
My 10 Things: (If anyone cares. Kind of posted the same in another thread)

1. Special teams were great. Minus the blocked punt, you really can't complain with our special teams. Amazing that we were leading the league in Kick Return yards last week. Hate that Devrin is injured, but thought Vincent Dallas did surprisingly well returning kicks. Not sure if Jacob Carter is the man for PR, but he at least fielded them cleanly. Downing Palardy's punt at the 1 yard line was perfect. They spotted it at the 2, but it was clearly at the one. Can't ask for better than that. Palardy was perfect, and has done really well. I'm going to reserve calling him the Most Improved Player until he hits a field goal from beyond 25 yards though. Next week, he should have an opportunity to do that. The blocked punt was not his fault, there was no blocking at all. Pretty pathetic.

2. I particularly did not like our play calling towards the end of the second quarter. We got too conservative, running the ball several times with about 1-2 minutes left, then punting on a 4th and 1. WKU drove down, scored, and then we proceeded to run 3 times, and have our punt blocked, enabling them to score again. We have arguably the best OL in the country, and we were in good field position. You go for it on 4th and 1. But because of our conservative play calling, they brought the momentum to their side going into the half.

3. However, I was proud of the fact that we took the momentum right back. Dooley's team would have most likely folded, or made zero adjustments. But, these guys made the right adjustments, and came out, and played just as solid (if not more so) the second half as they did the first. That's the sign of a good football team.

4. Going to a football game under Butch Jones is the most fun I've ever had. The video right before kickoff got me so pumped. The DJ during warmups was a nice touch. The circle in warmups with the War Dance was pretty awesome. The bouncing on the sidelines and before kickoffs are great. The videos between quarters and timeouts were great. The guys got to show their personality on those. And the players singing Rocky Top and the alma mater with the band and students is a GREAT tradition. Loved the sprinting between the first and second quarter as well, but didn't see it between the third and fourth. Not sure if that was by design or not.

5. QB play has to improve. Worley is not BAD. His decision making and command of the offense is pretty good, which is most important. But his accuracy and timing are off at times. I'm sure that much of that is from having such young WR's to throw to. I suspect we will see that get better as the season goes on. Sad part is, the easy part of our schedule is over now. I trust that Worley is playing because he gives us the best chance to win right now. I think Ferguson and Dobbs will both redshirt. I'm not sure I see Peterman being here next year.

6. Running game was good, but not great. Understandably, because of the immense turnovers within the red zone, it was hard for the team to get into a rhythm the first half. They did in the second half, and everyone could tell. But I am not totally impressed with this OL that we have yet. Yes, they are doing a good job, but I expect more from them. Not seeing many runs and blocks getting into the second level. I just think there's a lot left undone by them. But I do like Neal and Lane. Both are running the best they ever have, and they're constantly falling forward. Plus, Summerhill is earning his carries. Gillespie is earning his paycheck. These guys are making good choices, and lowering the shoulder pads, and getting positive yards. 3-4 yards a carry is always good. Will be interested to see how it goes next week. Without our run game, we're toast.

7. REALLY excited about what I see in the WR group. Josh Smith is perfect in this offense, and caught some great balls at critical times. Marquez is going to be a great receiver for us, once he and Worley get on the same page. Johnathan Johnson is a great possession receiver, and made some good catches today as well. I really like what I see from them, I think it's just a matter of playbook and timing, and these guys will do well. They're solid receivers. Not sure what is going on with Croom. I noticed after his drop, he didn't play for a while. I really want him to succeed, but he's gotta start catching the ball. But overall, pretty excited with what I'm seeing from them. Growing pains this year, but if you take these guys, and add in Creamer, Wharton, Booth, Kameel Jackson, and Eric Lauderdale, and maybe just maybe Josh Malone, and Holy Cow, we're going to be stacked. Future looks good there. Brendan Downs also looked good. 2 TDs in 2 games is not bad at all.

8. A.J. Johnson will be here next year. Why? Because until he can get some pass coverage skills, he is going nowhere except to free agency. Don't get me wrong, he's a great pass rush, run stopper type LB, and tackles well. But his pass coverage skills are exploited. However, if he is back next year, I really like the way our linebackers are looking.

9. I feel like our DL needs to be a bigger presence than they are. I didn't feel like the QB was in fear for his life enough today. That needs to happen more.

10. Overall, I like where this team is at, given where it's came from. Our OL is doing a good job at opening holes and protecting our QB. Boyd and Jackson were minimized today. Our QB is not the greatest in the SEC, but he has made good decisions for the most part. If he can command the offense and control the tempo while making good decisions next week, then I feel okay with him. Autzen is a tough environment. Our running game is looking the best it's been since 2009 when Hardesty was here. I feel like Neal and Lane have both improved themselves, and they have a chance to be dual 1,000 yard rushers this season. The Defense did great capitalizing on the turnovers today, and I was proud of that. There was an aggressiveness, that once they got that first turnover, they just wanted another, and another...it was a great headhunter attitude. Felt terrible for Byron Moore. Got in the game, got a fumble that was called back, and intercepted a pass, though out of bounds. The penalties finally came today: The first one was undeserved, I don't think anyone blamed Corey for that one. And I bet Tiny is still beating himself up for that penalty. Loved the way the OL stayed still after the offsides. I've never seen that before, but thought it was incredible discipline.

I'm proud of this team. Fought hard, played disciplined, made adjustment, and played with passion and energy. With this tough schedule, can't ask for much more.

There is my breakdown. zjc, I ALWAYS look forward to your postgame reports in both sports.
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You can't say what happens if the TOs don't happen. You see how TN outplayed them in the second half, I have no reason to believe that TN doesn't play harder if the score was closer in the first half. I think UT wins by 17+ even without their string of miscues in the first qtr.

I completely agree.
My 10 Things: (If anyone cares. Kind of posted the same in another thread)

1. Special teams were great. Minus the blocked punt, you really can't complain with our special teams. Amazing that we were leading the league in Kick Return yards last week. Hate that Devrin is injured, but thought Vincent Dallas did surprisingly well returning kicks. Not sure if Jacob Carter is the man for PR, but he at least fielded them cleanly. Downing Palardy's punt at the 1 yard line was perfect. They spotted it at the 2, but it was clearly at the one. Can't ask for better than that. Palardy was perfect, and has done really well. I'm going to reserve calling him the Most Improved Player until he hits a field goal from beyond 25 yards though. Next week, he should have an opportunity to do that. The blocked punt was not his fault, there was no blocking at all. Pretty pathetic.

2. I particularly did not like our play calling towards the end of the second quarter. We got too conservative, running the ball several times with about 1-2 minutes left, then punting on a 4th and 1. WKU drove down, scored, and then we proceeded to run 3 times, and have our punt blocked, enabling them to score again. We have arguably the best OL in the country, and we were in good field position. You go for it on 4th and 1. But because of our conservative play calling, they brought the momentum to their side going into the half.

3. However, I was proud of the fact that we took the momentum right back. Dooley's team would have most likely folded, or made zero adjustments. But, these guys made the right adjustments, and came out, and played just as solid (if not more so) the second half as they did the first. That's the sign of a good football team.

4. Going to a football game under Butch Jones is the most fun I've ever had. The video right before kickoff got me so pumped. The DJ during warmups was a nice touch. The circle in warmups with the War Dance was pretty awesome. The bouncing on the sidelines and before kickoffs are great. The videos between quarters and timeouts were great. The guys got to show their personality on those. And the players singing Rocky Top and the alma mater with the band and students is a GREAT tradition. Loved the sprinting between the first and second quarter as well, but didn't see it between the third and fourth. Not sure if that was by design or not.

5. QB play has to improve. Worley is not BAD. His decision making and command of the offense is pretty good, which is most important. But his accuracy and timing are off at times. I'm sure that much of that is from having such young WR's to throw to. I suspect we will see that get better as the season goes on. Sad part is, the easy part of our schedule is over now. I trust that Worley is playing because he gives us the best chance to win right now. I think Ferguson and Dobbs will both redshirt. I'm not sure I see Peterman being here next year.

6. Running game was good, but not great. Understandably, because of the immense turnovers within the red zone, it was hard for the team to get into a rhythm the first half. They did in the second half, and everyone could tell. But I am not totally impressed with this OL that we have yet. Yes, they are doing a good job, but I expect more from them. Not seeing many runs and blocks getting into the second level. I just think there's a lot left undone by them. But I do like Neal and Lane. Both are running the best they ever have, and they're constantly falling forward. Plus, Summerhill is earning his carries. Gillespie is earning his paycheck. These guys are making good choices, and lowering the shoulder pads, and getting positive yards. 3-4 yards a carry is always good. Will be interested to see how it goes next week. Without our run game, we're toast.

7. REALLY excited about what I see in the WR group. Josh Smith is perfect in this offense, and caught some great balls at critical times. Marquez is going to be a great receiver for us, once he and Worley get on the same page. Johnathan Johnson is a great possession receiver, and made some good catches today as well. I really like what I see from them, I think it's just a matter of playbook and timing, and these guys will do well. They're solid receivers. Not sure what is going on with Croom. I noticed after his drop, he didn't play for a while. I really want him to succeed, but he's gotta start catching the ball. But overall, pretty excited with what I'm seeing from them. Growing pains this year, but if you take these guys, and add in Creamer, Wharton, Booth, Kameel Jackson, and Eric Lauderdale, and maybe just maybe Josh Malone, and Holy Cow, we're going to be stacked. Future looks good there. Brendan Downs also looked good. 2 TDs in 2 games is not bad at all.

8. A.J. Johnson will be here next year. Why? Because until he can get some pass coverage skills, he is going nowhere except to free agency. Don't get me wrong, he's a great pass rush, run stopper type LB, and tackles well. But his pass coverage skills are exploited. However, if he is back next year, I really like the way our linebackers are looking.

9. I feel like our DL needs to be a bigger presence than they are. I didn't feel like the QB was in fear for his life enough today. That needs to happen more.

10. Overall, I like where this team is at, given where it's came from. Our OL is doing a good job at opening holes and protecting our QB. Boyd and Jackson were minimized today. Our QB is not the greatest in the SEC, but he has made good decisions for the most part. If he can command the offense and control the tempo while making good decisions next week, then I feel okay with him. Autzen is a tough environment. Our running game is looking the best it's been since 2009 when Hardesty was here. I feel like Neal and Lane have both improved themselves, and they have a chance to be dual 1,000 yard rushers this season. The Defense did great capitalizing on the turnovers today, and I was proud of that. There was an aggressiveness, that once they got that first turnover, they just wanted another, and another...it was a great headhunter attitude. Felt terrible for Byron Moore. Got in the game, got a fumble that was called back, and intercepted a pass, though out of bounds. The penalties finally came today: The first one was undeserved, I don't think anyone blamed Corey for that one. And I bet Tiny is still beating himself up for that penalty. Loved the way the OL stayed still after the offsides. I've never seen that before, but thought it was incredible discipline.

I'm proud of this team. Fought hard, played disciplined, made adjustment, and played with passion and energy. With this tough schedule, can't ask for much more.

There is my breakdown. zjc, I ALWAYS look forward to your postgame reports in both sports.

Not sure I agree with that first statement. Kind of hard to say special teams were overall good when you get a punt blocked inside your twenty.

Everything else seems solid.

Thanks BTW :hi:
I have a feeling they've been holding back some of the different ways they've schemed to get Pig out in space. We had a vanilla offensive gameplan again, so there are probably a lot more wrinkles that will be unveiled in the next couple weeks.
I have a feeling they've been holding back some of the different ways they've schemed to get Pig out in space. We had a vanilla offensive gameplan again, so there are probably a lot more wrinkles that will be unveiled in the next couple weeks.

Yeah, I doubt they plan on going into Oregon without some crazy tricks to get a few splashes. Oregon is a team you have to include some wrinkles in, or else you're going to get pounded.

I'm actually excited to see how we match up.
Seems like to me with Oregon it will help that the Seniors have played them before. Might have a demystifying effect.
11. Palardy's leg gets tired on kickoffs after the first two, the distance goes away. Maybe he should get some help on KO, Punt or PK. I like his punting, so I say KO.
12. Oline still needs to finish the blocks. Why did they take the better part of the first half off.
13. I guess Worley is saving those read option runs for OR game, he had some great first down runs if he would have kept it on a few of those plays.

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