Ten Years Ago 10-3 (6-2) with Three Huge Road Wins!

Not at all. Solid knee-jerk reaction, though.

Nice try but you did not satisfactorily answer the original answer. You might want to have your doctor examine that condescension more thoroughly, however. If allowed to fester too long, it can develop into full-blown "frostbite-of-the-nose" syndrome.
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Nice try but you did not satisfactorily answer the original answer. You might want to have your doctor examine that condescension more thoroughly, however. If allowed to fester too long, it can develop into full-blown "frostbite-of-the-nose" syndrome.

Did you start drinking early, rex?

I've never been great at answering the answer.
Did you start drinking early, rex?

I've never been great at answering the answer.

Thanks for pointing out the unintended redundancy. To answer your question, no, I dot not imbibe alcohol, period. Now, would you like to take a stab at answering my original question instead of deftly dancing around the "head of a pen," as you are so frequently prone to do.
I'm assuming the question you are referring to is "what, precisely, is your point?".

If so, I was simply commenting how thoroughly screwed up our program was at that time.

Why are your panties in such a twist about this? My comment was completely innocuous.
Nice wins on the road, but UF and Bama weren't very good. South Carolina sucked back then. However, the Miami win was unexpected. Outstanding defensive performance.

I will never forget that beautiful punt to the sideline against Miami.

Neyland had to have teared up watching that game.
Brianlsanders, Alabama fans have enjoyed a LOT of perfect seasons. One that they don't like to discuss occurred in 1955, when they finished 0-10-0 and scored only 48 points all year. That team was coached by Bear Bryant's immediate predecessor, Jennings B. Whitworth (1955-1957), who amassed an overall record of 4-24-2 (.166) and a conference mark of 3-18-1 (.159). Alabama teams under his direction also compiled 17 consecutive losses (from 11/13/54 - 10/20/56), and 19 consecutive games without a victory (10/30/54-10/20/56). Included within that streak were back-to-back losses to the Commodes (21-6 and 32-7) and Tennessee (20-0 and 24-0). During that 19-game span, Alabama was shut out NINE times. See
Alabama Historical Scores.

Let's hope that Tennessee's transformation under Butch's leadership is almost as dramatic as that which 'bama achieved in the years immediately after the darkest period in their program's history.

Did Ears wear team color britches or ever mention the phrase "process"?
Yeah and we had a winner for a coach, hate to say it boys, but if Butch goes 152-52 and we fire him we are idiots again.
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Did you start drinking early, rex?

I've never been great at answering the answer.

It's called the art of debate.

I'm the worlds' worst at this art.

Let us all think about where we rank in our debating skills: else we will be poisoning near-sacred trees or trying to kiss our sister, like the bamers.
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I'm assuming the question you are referring to is "what, precisely, is your point?".

If so, I was simply commenting how thoroughly screwed up our program was at that time.

Why are your panties in such a twist about this? My comment was completely innocuous.

Sorry about that. When you suggest, even in jest, that I am drinking alcohol, you will evoke a knee-jerk response. My father was an alcoholic when I was a child and I most definitely did not like the behavior that I witnessed. I vowed then I would never imbibe and, to this day, I am a teetotaler. I have learned, on the other hand, to never take you at your word as possessing completely innocuous intentions. I have seen moderators reprimand you on occasion with respect to the tone of your rhetoric, so I don't believe that my opinion on the matter is entirely unfounded.
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Sorry about that. When you suggest, even in jest, that I am drinking alcohol, you will evoke a knee-jerk response. My father was an alcoholic when I was a child and I most definitely did not like the behavior that I witnessed. I vowed then I would never imbibe and, to this day, I am a teetotaler. I have learned, on the other hand, to never take you at your word as possessing completely innocuous intentions. I have seen moderators reprimand you on occasion with respect to the tone of your rhetoric, so I don't believe that my opinion on the matter is entirely unfounded.

I apologize. I clearly know nothing about you, personally, so I was unaware that my joke would hit at a personal level. I promise that I meant it as nothing more than a joke.

That said, your knee-jerk response came prior to my joke, and I don't really know what got you out of sorts in the first place. I'm sorry if you misunderstood me.
I would take the stance that a 10-3 team shouldn't need 5 OTs the knock off a 4-9 team, no matter who or where. But I understand if you disagree. It was a great game.
And the eventual national champs shouldn't need to block a last second fg to beat a 7-6 team on their home field. That's just the nature of rivalry games.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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The OP described that win as a "huge" road win. Maybe you and the OP feel like any win against Bama counts as a "huge" win, and that's fine if you feel that way. It's kinda flattering.

To your point, I don't consider any of the 6 wins in the current streak to be "huge" wins as the Tennessee teams we beat simply weren't that good. '09 was a good win, as that game almost cost us the national title, but beating a team that finished 7-6 simply doesn't feel "huge" to me.

But I'm not telling you how to feel.

I thought you guys counted 4 win years as NC?
Sorry about that. When you suggest, even in jest, that I am drinking alcohol, you will evoke a knee-jerk response. My father was an alcoholic when I was a child and I most definitely did not like the behavior that I witnessed. I vowed then I would never imbibe and, to this day, I am a teetotaler. I have learned, on the other hand, to never take you at your word as possessing completely innocuous intentions. I have seen moderators reprimand you on occasion with respect to the tone of your rhetoric, so I don't believe that my opinion on the matter is entirely unfounded.

Calm down nobody cares
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And the eventual national champs shouldn't need to block a last second fg to beat a 7-6 team on their home field. That's just the nature of rivalry games.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Agreed. It worried me at the time that Bama putzed around in that game.

And I've never called it a "huge" win.

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