Tennessee can't afford to fire CJP

I don't even understand the situation we are in. I don't understand how we seem so inept. Have any of these coordinators and coaches ever failed this hard anywhere else? It's just hard to believe we suck this hard looking at our stable of coaches, Pruitt aside. It looks like we have regressed as the season has gone on.

And why is our AD this inept for the past 10-12 years. The hires we have made have been absolutely awful. This is what happens to a program when you keep making bargain bin hires. There are so many things I could point to, but what is the problem really? Coaching, Lack of Talent, the AD? What is wrong with us?
Coaching, AD, and overall administration.
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Just make him head coach of the men’s archery team, it will kill him not to be in football and he’ll negotiate a buyout.
TIFWIW...I talked to a close friend today who IS a huge donor. Difference making donor (no reflection on me as a person we’ve just been close friends for a long time). His exact words were this “Jeremy has always been a 5 year hire regardless of what happens”. He also expressed concern and disappointment with the struggles but said to dismiss all that’s happened this year (you know - 2020) would be very dishonest to the situation. I’m certainly not an insider but I feel this is the climate of the situation with the people who actually matter when it comes to firing Jeremy.
I don’t know this fan, but he speaks the truth, five year plan come he’ll or high water. Yes a similar story from a major contributors family member.
Why go to the trouble to fire him. If history teaches us anything, UT would just hire another unproven coach that no one else is trying to hire.

The last four hires: 1. Kiffin: fired after 4 games as HC w/Raiders, called a liar and a loser by Al Davis; 2. Dooley: Really don't have to say much here but La Tech fans were shocked and ecstatic that anyone would take him off their hands; 3. Butch; Cincinnati fans were tired of all of the sayings, slogans, and stale offense and glad to see him go: 4. Pruitt: Miss State interviewed him for their job and they hired the fat guy from Penn St instead (fired him after 2 yrs).

UT administration and the Board of Trustees do not take football seriously and until that changes, Tennessee will continue to be mediocre at best. So, they might as well save the money and keep Pruitt.

This sir is absolute truth!
Here’s my view, and mine only, but I really can see why Fulmer gave the extension. We had reeled off 6 wins in a row ( someone is gonna say against bad teams) we beat who was on our schedule. The ending of the season looked promising and as a matter of fact. So did this season. First 2 games and a half. And the wheels have fallen off. I’m not a Pruitt fan and his stubbornness is gonna cost him. As much as I want Pruitt gone and would love to see us get Freeze. It just doesn’t seem likely this year or maybe even next. And Freeze won’t be available then anyways.
Is there a law against wishful thinking? It's 2020, so probably. Either way, wishful thinking is all we have.
We have been in this position before and the big splash hires did not seem interested in working for the Vols. Has something changed? I was all for the big splash hire the last 3 times but it never materialized (Feeling if you want to beat Bama you need to start taking their recruits). It seems that the administration does not want to make a big splash and the big splash coaches don't want to work here. I don't see a solution.
Cause we didn't offer the cash. Throw 10mil a year and we can get any coach in the cou try. Even Saban.
All this talk of firing CJP is wishful thinking at best. The reality is the university cannot afford to fire him.

Tennessee awarded Pruitt a two-year contract extension in September, and he’s set to earn a retention bonus and a raise in 2021. He’s under contract through Jan. 31, 2026. If Tennessee were to fire Pruitt after this season, he would be owed a buyout of nearly $13 million, with no obligation to mitigate the damages.

Keep in mind the university is still paying severance to Butch Jones, who was fired in 2017, through the end of February 2021.

What really stands out is CJP has the university by the balls with the "no obligation to mitigate damages" clause. If he were fired he could essentially go to a rival most likely Bama and get a lowball salary and the university would be paying him to coach against us.

Cant make this crap up...….SMH!!!!
UT cant but they have a butt load of boosters who can write the check!
Tennessee cannot afford to allow apathy to set in on this fan base. We’ve been loyal through the worst period of UT football in the modern era and patience and nerves are wearing very thin. As pointed out above, UT cannot afford not to fire Pruitt as well as Fulmer.
Agree. They're starting to lose viewers and every game I've been to has yet to completely fill the stadium in the last few years.

My dad used to go on and on about UT and get excited every fall and would check this message board every morning. He has only watched a half of football this year before he turned it off.

They don't get relevant soon and start legitimately competing for Championships (even if its just SEC champs at first) then they will lose far more money than if they keep this mediocre crap going. I hate to say it because typically I'm not immediately in the "fahr coach" crowd, but nothing in the last 2 years gives me hope that Pruitt will turn it around. The win streak last year, while good, may have been a bad thing in the long run (thanks to Fulmer giving him an unearned extension) because if Pruitt doesn't get it fixed, then we're at least another 3-4 years away from playing like UT should.
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I’m depressed. Watching Buffalo and Miami Ohio tonight and I see both QBs are better than what UT has to offer. It’s sad that as a 100 million dollar business UT football can’t hire a competent Coach. It’s just mind boggling to me. I feel like most of the posters on this board could figure out how to make a successful coaching hire. Surely for 5 or 6 million a year there is a Coach that could get us respectable. Again, I’m depressed.
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These coaches contracts are retarded. Why a university would sign on with especially with a first time head coach. Dumb af
TIFWIW...I talked to a close friend today who IS a huge donor. Difference making donor (no reflection on me as a person we’ve just been close friends for a long time). His exact words were this “Jeremy has always been a 5 year hire regardless of what happens”. He also expressed concern and disappointment with the struggles but said to dismiss all that’s happened this year (you know - 2020) would be very dishonest to the situation. I’m certainly not an insider but I feel this is the climate of the situation with the people who actually matter when it comes to firing Jeremy.
Whoever said person is is part of the problem and UT football would be immeasurably better off if he removed himself from influencing it. It doesn't take a NASA employee to decipher that the people who have been making the decisions for the last four coaching hires are raging bozos who should never again be allowed to make any decision whatsoever connected to the football program. Wishful thinking? If enough fans decide to talk with their wallets and stay away, these nitwits who clearly have no sense and don't give enough of a damn to do it right for once and do whatever it takes to hire a proven coach will have to step aside.

"Disgust" does not even begin to describe how I feel about the people who brought us to this point, being unwilling to admit their mistake and fix it, when the solution has never been more apparent, available, and doable. Said solution is Hugh Freeze, and any argument they try to make rationalizing why Pruitt shouldn't be fired today and Freeze hired today is just them throwing more dirt on the grave of this once-proud program that they have run into the ground with unparalleled incompetence and buffoonery. At none of the other junctures when we needed to fire our HC was there a coach out there who as clearly could be gotten, and who was as undeniably qualified and skilled to bring us back to prominence, as Freeze; coaches like him don't come along every day, and it's criminal negligence and incompetence to stick our heads in the sand and wait for an impostor to suddenly cease being an impostor when the real thing is out there to be had, and won't be for long.
I doubt the boosters bail us out. I doubt that even if they did, Fulmer could make a competent hire.

I think UT football is in for a rough couple of years. You can count on one thing, the next sucker coach who comes here WILL be doing an epic rebuilding.
Are we the only university in America that forks out millions, guaranteed regardless of piss poor performance, to first time head coaches?
I don't know but their timing with extensions is impeccable..They do it at just the wrong time just about everytime in the last 20 years.
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Whoever said person is is part of the problem and UT football would be immeasurably better off if he removed himself from influencing it. It doesn't take a NASA employee to decipher that the people who have been making the decisions for the last four coaching hires are raging bozos who should never again be allowed to make any decision whatsoever connected to the football program. Wishful thinking? If enough fans decide to talk with their wallets and stay away, these nitwits who clearly have no sense and don't give enough of a damn to do it right for once and do whatever it takes to hire a proven coach will have to step aside.

"Disgust" does not even begin to describe how I feel about the people who brought us to this point, being unwilling to admit their mistake and fix it, when the solution has never been more apparent, available, and doable. Said solution is Hugh Freeze, and any argument they try to make rationalizing why Pruitt shouldn't be fired today and Freeze hired today is just them throwing more dirt on the grave of this once-proud program that they have run into the ground with unparalleled incompetence and buffoonery. At none of the other junctures when we needed to fire our HC was there a coach out there who as clearly could be gotten, and who was as undeniably qualified and skilled to bring us back to prominence, as Freeze; coaches like him don't come along every day, and it's criminal negligence and incompetence to stick our heads in the sand and wait for an impostor to suddenly cease being an impostor when the real thing is out there to be had, and won't be for long.
I’ll give him your opinion.....He’ll just be devastated!
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I’m depressed. Watching Buffalo and Miami Ohio tonight and I see both QBs are better than what UT has to offer. It’s sad that as a 100 million dollar business UT football can’t hire a competent Coach. It’s just mind boggling to me. I feel like most of the posters on this board could figure out how to make a successful coaching hire. Surely for 5 or 6 million a year there is a Coach that could get us respectable. Again, I’m depressed.
What's mindblowing is that you obviously think football in the SEC is comparable to playing football in whatever conference these guys play in. Also mindblowing that you now think couch coaching is more respectable than the real thing, you are right, it's mindblowing around here.
I don't disagree with anything said here but I would like to point out the feeling I had when we took the field and one of our own was leading the charge. When Majors returned it was the greatest feeling in the world even though we were only competitive at first. The switch to Fulmer was the same thing. It was our guy and we had total confidence. These hired guns are good but just not the same to me. We need to get Manning back here to get this thing back on track. He could coach his nephew to a national championship! Crazy??
Ok, I will accept your view that we might not be able to fire Pruitt. But we surely can fire the person that put us in this position with this hire and then the unwarranted extension. That would be the first step to correction and allow a real AD to go about a proper replacement when it is feasible.

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