That's true, but the problem was that the gunner wasn't unaccounted for like Colquitt thought before the snap. The coverage man didn't line up across from the gunner like they normally do and instead was playing a sort of "Robber" coverage and broke to cover the Gunner at the snap. Unfortunately, Colquitt obviously decided before the snap to throw the ball and didn't have the arm to get the ball out to the gunner before the coverage got there.(utfantilidie @ May 20 said:I thought he said the coaches told him if he saw something open , he could go for it?
(GAVol @ May 20 said:EVerybody talked about how innovative a play that was by Urban Meyer, but I'm still not convinced that Florida wasn't caught completely with their pants down on that play and got away with it when Colquitt floated the ball a little too much. It just makes no sense to try to cover a punt that way. If the ball is thrown up the field, the gunner catches it for a 40 yard gain. If they go ahead and punt it, the gunner has a free release up the sideline and pretty nuch ensures that there won't be a return.
(hatvol96 @ May 20 said:You're right. Their respective NFL careers have certainly shown how much better Henry is than Lewis.
I agree. Hopefully, the current head coach will step aside peacefully and alleviate the need for guerilla tactics.(OldVol @ May 22 said:I've scanned most of your responses, and there are some good ones, but the worst call ever made by a UT head coach was made by Coach Battle in the 1973 Georgia game.
Here's the short story as I recall it. This one hurt. I could not believe Coach called this play.
We're up 31 to 28. There's about 2:30 left to play, late in the 4th.
We have the ball around our 45 and Coach called a fake punt. It didn't work and GA had a really short field so they go in and score. Our defense had not been holding them all that well anyway, and we give them the short field to work with. We lose 35 to 31. You could hear a collective sigh of unbelief echoing all around the stadium with the single exception of the North West corner where the 7 thousand or so GA fans were huddled.
This was the beginning of the end for Coach Battle.
It was after this game that some a$$holes sent moving vans to his home and placed for sale signs in his yard.
It was a dumb move, but nothing to compare to the stupidity of some of our fans.
In hindsight, I realize he wasn't the best coach, probably wasn't the right choice for the job by Coach Woodruff, but there will never be a better man than Coach Battle.
It hurt to see how he was treated.
I wish people could realize that we can indeed remove a coach without behaving like jackals.
It should never get to moving vans and for sale signs.
Absolutely not. That would be evidence that he has righted the ship. While I will still personally detest him, I would never advocate removing someone who is doing their job in a commendable manner.(OldVol @ May 22 said:What if he wins 10 or 11 games this year?
Would you still be in favor of his ouster?
(jakez4ut @ May 22 said:there are a lot of plays out there...but the one that does stick out was the 4th down play against UF in 1999....if memory serves, they called time out before that play...and i remember thinking...that's what they came up with???? :realmad: