In the 99 Florida game, on the last Vol series, supposedly Tee changed the last play at the LOS from a toss-sweek right with Jamal to a toss-sweep left. Reason: He didn't want to run to DE Brown's side. If that story is true, TEE was pretty dumb because Brown was killing UT with his /pass rush/--not his run defense. Either way, the Vols ran the same play TWICE to end that game. Florida sold out to stop Jamal--the players and coaches said so after the game--and the Vols were beyond stupid not to roll out TEE in that situation. What's the point of having a mobile QB? Florida figured out that Tee was giving away the snap count, made no effort to help with Brown, and we got beat by a less talented team.
Other idiotic calls: The Hail Mary call against ND a couple of years ago, when the Vols were at their own 30 yard or line or so, had to be seen to be believed. Given that it was the LAST play of the half, and there was no way that the Vols were going to score points, it was an absurd call--which of course got Ainge hurt and the Vols lost the game!
I remember when UT got thumped at home against Miami maybe three years ago--Casey Clausen's last year, I think. The Vols tried to throw a fade pass to Leonard Scott in the end zone in that game. I thought that was pretty funny--a true sign that the Vols had NO idea what to do on offense. The play didn't even come close to succeeding. You could pick a TON of decisions by Fulmer/Sanders and the offensive "brain trust" over the last six years. Let's just say that the Vols didn't have the sharpest minds in college football--quite the opposite, in fact.