Until the hire is made official and we actually see Jon Gruden standing and speaking to the local press and national media outlets after being introduced as head coach, I'll say this: I'll believe it when I see it.
Of course, there have been rumors going all around since the middle of October. Where there's smoke, there's usually fire, but in the realm of the human condition, this is not always the case. My best friend and I were talking about this tonight after he got done with band rehearsal, and he compared this situation to the hiring of Jim Tressel at Ohio State: there was a list a mile long of candidates lined up to take the Ohio State job. The two most notable names on the list were Glen Mason, who was a former assistant coach under Woody Hayes and offensive coordinator under Hayes' successor, Earle Bruce, and former Buckeye All-American/NFL linebacker Chris Spielman, who hadn't been out of the NFL that along by the year 2000. Suddenly, people started hearing rumors about this unknown coaching commodity who had won a couple of national championships at Youngstown State University and played in a couple of other title games, and people were totally turned off by that. That person turned out to be Jim Tressel, and he wound up winning the national championship in his second year coaching at Ohio State in 2002.
People, it won't be the end of the world if Jon Gruden doesn't take the job. I just have this gut feeling that if and when he doesn't take the job and we hire someone "lesser" than him, people are going to go jump off of bridges and balconies. Don't get your hopes up because it may not happen.
That being said, I hope like hell we get Gruden.