Maybe this O St pitcher will be too worn out to be effective if we go to a 2nd game. Saving Ashley right now I think is the right call. She will be our only hope in game 2.
I think AL did it today. Started their 1st game a 10 CT I believe. Maybe it was scheduled for 11 anyway but pretty sure if was moved up. Same reason, weather.
Mazon is legit but it doesn’t matter who’s in the circle for us seeing as how we have ZERO hits through 4. I think they’ll throw her if there’s a game 2. We need to wake up right quick or save it for next game.
We have no energy. How does that happen with the season on the line? We can't catch either. No energy and no focus is lethal. I dont see us flipping the switch.
Their probably going to take her out soon and save her for the 2nd game since TN already threw in the towel and took Rogers out to save her. I really believed the hitting would be there this tourney being at home. So much for optimism.
We have no energy. How does that happen with the season on the line? We can't catch either. No energy and no focus is lethal. I dont see us flipping the switch.