She does, but Monica Abbott is illegal in her pitching now, too. They are arguably the best two pitchers in the world. (Monica didn't leap at UT. But I watched a documentary last night on YT about Monica playing in Japan and she's clearly leaping -- as opposed to crow-hopping/replanting by Barnhill. Her windup/release has been tweaked over the years and I wonder if that has something to do with it.)
If Barnhill has a shot at making the Olympic team, and the US hopes to be successful with Monica in the circle, it needs to be corrected.
It will be interesting to see who makes the Olympic team. Cat Osterman has come out of retirement in hopes of making the team, and she was known as a bad leaper at Texas, but never got in trouble for it in international play. Also, Barnhill is the most blatantly illegal pitcher in terms of planting I've ever seen in softball. Leaping isn't as noticeable in real time, with some fairly noticeable exceptions in Jordan Taylor at Michigan, Kenzie Fowler at Arizona and Stephanie Brombacher at Florida.