Well, if we're being honest, this program doesn't really know much about Hoover much less the NCAAT. The old super bowl saying is that you have to lose one before you can win it gives me some sliver of a silver lining. The Rod years seem a lifetime ago. While I know many will say baseball is baseball, I'd prefer to stay in my own naive little world and consider the much improved product and season we've enjoyed and tell myself that just making the tournament(s) was an accomplishment we can build on going forward. I'm also a BVS survivor who is perpetually cupped up at times like this. I expect us to do a face plant so the outcomes like this, while painful, are at least expected and somehow easier to take. In a strange, perverted way, when we do something like win a game we aren't supposed to, it does make it a tad sweeter.
Anyway, I had no expectations beyond making it to Hoover. We're still playing with house money....at least in my sheltered casino. Now excuse me while I step away for a bit. Time for my meds.