Terrorism in Tennessee

Erasing the Christian presence one church at a time.

Kosovo right in front of NATO troops who prevent the Serbian from fighting back.

Demographic development in Kosovo:
1871 - Serbs: 64% Albanians: 32%
1948 - Serbs: 24% Albanians: 65%
1971 - Serbs: 18% Albanians: 74%
1995 - Serbs: 7% Albanians: 90%
2008 - Serbs: 5% Albanians: 92%

Two hundred churchs and monestaries destroyed and counting, some of them 700 years old.

Page two Kosovo churches destroyed.

Persecuted and declining Christian minorities in Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Holy Land, Iraq and Iran.
Muslim Non-Assimilation - HUMAN EVENTS

During a visit to Cologne, Germany, in 2008, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke to a group of 20,000 Turks living in Europe. He told them, “I understand very well that you are against assimilation. One cannot expect you to assimilate. Assimilation is a crime against humanity.”

It is Muslim opposition to assimilation, coupled with Muslim populations growing at faster rates than native host populations, that raises concerns over the “Islamization” of Western Europe. Non-assimilation has generated “no-go” zones in some European cities—areas local law enforcement refuse to go because Muslim residents do not tolerate entry by non-believers.
Denmark dropped its very liberal immigration policy once the government recognized the dangers of failed Muslim assimilation within its borders. Comprising 5% of the population, Danish Muslims settled in no-go zones, while consuming 40% of welfare benefits.

Muslim supporters of the Ground Zero mosque (and all mosques) raise the Constitution with one hand to claim religious freedom protects its construction. But, hidden in the other hand, is Sharia law—with its standard of human inequality—which they seek to impose, trumping the same Constitution they use against non-supporters. Mosque supporters need to understand they cannot have it both ways.

We need to understand that as well.
Taking frustrations out on a tractor as opposed to killing almost 3000 people in one attack. The comparisons are astounding.
Taking frustrations out on a tractor as opposed to killing almost 3000 people in one attack. The comparisons are astounding.

Then the media trots out some teenage muslim girl to play the victim, saying how afraid she is.

Wonder how afraid she would be to renounce islam??

A few days later, the Grand Mufti, issued another statement. This time he was speaking in Arabic in Cairo and what he said was completely different : “What I actually said was that Islam prohibits a Muslim from changing his religion and it’s a crime that must be punished.”

It was then that I realized that we had all been fooled, again. The Muslim strategy of only speaking half-truths was still alive and well. What is being said in places like Washington to English speaking groups is almost simultaneously retracted and rendered meaningless when they speak in Arabic in places like Cairo.

The only way that Islamists like the Mufti can continually get away with such deceptive maneuvers is for us to allow them to do so. There must be clarity about Islam’s consistent track record of doubletalk about thorny issues such as this one.

Non-Muslims really need to know the truth about just what constitutes apostasy in the Muslim world.

When Islamists quote the Meccan verses that sound peaceful and conciliatory they know full well that those verses have been rendered obsolete by the more recent Medinian verses.



American Thinker Blog: Imam Feisal Rauf -- Sharia Uber Alles!

If Crazy Horse thought white man spoke with a forked tongue, he should have been around to meet the arrival of the muslims!!

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