I'll rationalize it for y'all so it'll make my earlier statement make more sense:
Glass half Empty:
We've lost at home to two BCS Bowl contenders, one of which was considered to be in the NCG hunt. The only two good teams we've played really.
We beat a ranked WAC team.
We beat the worst Auburn and Arkansas teams they've had in years.
We beat both Mississippi schools on their "big day".
By SEC standards, thats not that impressive really.
The "eyeball" test proves this though:
Glass half full:
Both losses were 1 or 2 plays away from being wins. Total margin in those two games was 8 points combined.
We've not lost a road game. In fact, we've emptied 3 stadiums by the 3rd quarter.
A freshman qb has recieved SEC weekly honors 6 times this season and has put up, "better than" Cam and Tim, Heisman numbers.
Sumlin shuts down the 1's as he sees fit and continues to allow Kliff to do whatever he'd like with the backups.
Like I said, there'd be a predetermined number to reach and that'd be about it.