So some jerk off in Illinois is on a viral video disparaging a Puerto Rican woman because she's wearing a Puerto Rico shirt and he's an old white guy. Now in the media, every white guy is being lumped in with this idiot as a racist typical white male "trump guy". This has got to stop.
The Democrats are Communists. They view everyone in the collective sense (class warfare). Therefore, if one white idiot does some racist crap, the entire white race or "class" gets blamed.
I fairly recently graduated from UT, and the indoctrination against white men is real on the college campuses. I've heard my professors say crazy things like that white men are the reason why ACT tests are so hard for other races (I kid you not). I read about this kind of stuff on right leaning sites like Fox News and you think that they must have some kind of agenda, but to hear the anti-white rhetoric in person has shown me firsthand that this kind of crap is alive, well, and extremely pervasive. It also demonstrates that leftists don't care about equality; they only care about race war and denigration.
I hear the residential lefties on this forum complain about the rising alt-right and white supremacy in this country and blame it on Trump. One can only blame the left for this. While he isn't exactly helping, Trump is not to blame. The left controls news outlets. The left controls academia. The left controls television. The left controls social media. If the "tolerant" left control virtually every aspect of our lives, why would there be a growing racism in this country?
In my opinion, recent politics has followed a Newtonian trend (3rd law to be exact): every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The rise of these alt-right groups has stemmed from the rise of radical leftism that has infiltrated every aspect of our society. Let me explain this Newtonian effect. When a white male, still in their teens (basically a kid), gets blamed for all the ills of society in the classroom, this leaves only 3 possible psychological responses.
1. Guilt, Remorse - Blindly accept that you are to blame for all racism and past racism in this country, and that reparations need to be paid while also blindly accepting that you are the cause of all the world's ills.
2. Apathy - Completely ignore this as far-left nonsense.
3. Anger, Violence - Retaliate by thinking that blacks and other races (like Jews for example) are to blame for this mentality.
Fortunately, 1 and 3 are vast, vast minorities. The vast majority will pick number 2. However, the more this kind of rhetoric is used on the campuses, the more the white supremacist 3rd group will grow. In other words, what's happening in this country is a natural by-product of the left-wing toxicity so prevalent on both campuses and mainstream news outlets like CNN today.