We played the game at school, on the bus, and everywhere else as teens. Somebody posted a link the other day to to the wiki or urban dictionary or something...called it "circle game" . Seems to have been nationwide, or at least very wide spread. If your buddy looked at the circle, he got punched usually in the arm. Gets sore if you suck at the game, or are just learning. CbJ should have used it to teach eye discipline. Lol...it was easy picking to throw the old circle out behind the pretty girls behind as she went to get off the bus, or got up to leave class...could pretty much pass out punches to all the guys in attendance. From what i have read, guys still play this game in the office. Never had an office job, so i have no idea on that one. Military is a no brainer...sad that seemingly everything a white guy does can somehow be used by the SJW clan to embarrass, insult, or ruin the reputation of harmless men. Whats next? Nothing surprises me anymore. Half the stuff we did in junior high and highschool would land a kid in jail these days. So glad my kids aren't in public school, even though it has cost me a fortune.