Saying racism never stopped you from being successful and saying racism doesn't exist completely are two very different things.
You can be successful and still see or feel the impact of racism.
Most successful Black people still acknowledge that racism exists.
Like I said no one calls people Uncle Toms just for being successful. I don't use the term myself but I know the type he has called names.
They are the self hating Black people who go out of their way to bash other Black people to ingratiate themselves with conservative Whites. You can be successful and a part of mainstream America without spouting biased and false things about your own race. Some think their road to being accepted in White America is to denigrate minorities. Some are just brainwashed by the media and community they were around growing up.
No one calls successful Black people Uncle Toms. Just the self hating ones. The types who claim racism doesn't exist and let their White "friends" say racist jokes and call people racial slurs in front of them. Sometimes they say things even worse than their White friends in an attempt to be seen as part of the group and not rock the boat. That is the type people call Uncle Toms.Not just successful people.
I know hundreds of successful Black people in Knoxville, Atlanta, Charlotte, and Nashville. Not one of them would be called an Uncle Tom by Black people. I know successful Black people that would be called Uncle Toms by some who talk like that for very specific reason concerning their attitudes and actions.
I do use the term sell-out though.
99% of the time if someone claims something is racist or it offended them it did or was. Some of you just like to act like anytime someone points out things that are racist they are making things up or exaggerating. That is just pure bs.
If you spend your whole time wanting to be offended ... it's your choice.. society has changed a lot in 50 years.. being angry and playing he victim is not a winning stragetgy