Good things those “poor Indians” never murdered anyoneI'm not doing your google homework for you anymore. Complaints are here. The other issue is that we are hypocrites for having murdered Indians by the tribe-load and yet now seem to liked them enough to advertise them on butter?
Regardless, the non-racists voted hard enough with their pockets and the racist image is gone.
Game, set, match.
Those motherfawkers need to STFU and pay taxes.First, if you ask the "Native Americans" their preference, they will tell you it is American Indian. Two, racism isn't determined by complaint numbers ala the South and African-Americans in the mid-50s on. Tre, it is the image of Pocahontas and she is dead. lol (not LoL)
"Kevin Allis, the chief executive of the National Congress of American Indians, a public education and advocacy group, said the organization saw it as a “positive sign,” adding, “We encourage all companies that peddle products displaying stereotypical Native ‘themed’ imagery to follow suit.”
“Americans need to learn the truth about the beauty and diversity of tribal nations, peoples and cultures today,” he said, “and discarding antiquated symbols like this are a step in the right direction.”
We are going to see more and more companies who have woken up to this idea unless they are purposefully attempting to attract racists. If the latter, as racism continues to recede, I hope the ever loving Hell they do too.
So you are good with indigs or abos?Deny ignorance.
“Native American” makes even less sense when you consider the name has its roots in the Italian cartographer’s name Amerigo Vespucci. So “America” couldn’t have been what the indigenous tribes were calling this land in 1492. Unless their wondrous natural talents also included prophecy.
My HS used to do this but it got to where it was hard to find students with horses.
Back in the late 80's early 90's that guy would run onto our HS field with a flaming spear and headdress flowing over the back of the horse. On a few occasions when a visiting team would get in a hurry for the kickoff he would race right through the middle of their kickoff or return formation (scaring the crap out of them) he'd wheel about and rear up and throw that flaming spear in the ground. Me being in the 4th or 5th grade when I first experienced that is something I'll never forget.I’ve always thought it was one of the most awesome openings in football , with everyone in the stadium doing the chop then he rears up and claims the field with that spear . ( not as good as the opening of the T ) but it’s good . Lol