First, if you ask the "Native Americans" their preference, they will tell you it is American Indian. Two, racism isn't determined by complaint numbers ala the South and African-Americans in the mid-50s on. Tre, it is the image of Pocahontas and she is dead. lol (not LoL)
"Kevin Allis, the chief executive of the National Congress of American Indians, a public education and advocacy group, said the organization saw it as a “positive sign,” adding, “We encourage all companies that peddle products displaying stereotypical Native ‘themed’ imagery to follow suit.”
“Americans need to learn the truth about the beauty and diversity of tribal nations, peoples and cultures today,” he said, “and discarding antiquated symbols like this are a step in the right direction.”
We are going to see more and more companies who have woken up to this idea unless they are purposefully attempting to attract racists. If the latter, as racism continues to recede, I hope the ever loving Hell they do too.